‘快闪’星系 Galaxies in a Flash
Galaxies, like our Milky Way, are vast cosmic islands of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter held together by gravity.
With an average of a few hundred billion stars in a galaxy, they are huge enough to get ours heads around, but out there are 2 trillion more of them in our universe, and that’s just the ones estimated observable, as technology develops, more and more will show up.
Image of clusters of galaxies ~4.6 billion light years away taken by Hubble
With such large number of galaxies, there are many like ours but a range of others vastly different. For the majority of galaxies, there will be at least several billion years after their formation before having dramatic, measurable changes to their population and morphology (galaxy’s structural property). According to the standard cosmological paradigm (ΛCDM), the most massive structures are normally form as a result of smaller constituents building up, also known as hierarchical growth.
However recently, studies have some galaxies that surprising didn’t follow the paradigm.
These ones were able accumulate incredible stellar masses (more than a hundred billion times Solar Mass) within the first 2 billion years after the big bang, while also using up all their gas reservoirs and becoming quiescent. This means, stars are no longer forming in those galaxies.
Bearing in mind that the Milky Way is now ~13.6 billion years old and continues to from the equivalence of one Sun every year. So, these massive galaxies must have had a ‘crazy’ lifetime forming, evolving and exhausting the gas supplies so quickly.
Here, we dive into the mysterious world of these enormous quiescent creatures, to learn how and why they were created.
8 galaxy mergers collected by NASA from Hubble's data
Galaxy Complexity
Although there is a huge diversity of galaxies, only detailed analysis on a few representative members of a single galaxies would be enough to learn about an entire galactic population. With the rare groups, such as the massive quiescent galaxies (MQG), study on a single property would be enough to have many insightful results, sparking for more research.
因此,为了更多地探索这些奇异星系的基本性质,Paolo Saracco和他在米兰的团队,决定深入的研究一下之前发现的,名为C1-23152的,MQG的主要性质。
So, in order to explore more on the general properties of these exotic ones, Paolo Saracco and his team, based in Milano, decided to study the key properties of the previously discovered MQG named C1-23152.
Illustration of a MQG from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory of United States
这个星系它只有19亿岁的时候在z = 3.35,这里z是代表着红向移动的大小。之前,不同研究所对这个星系也曾研究过,并使用了各种成像方法,其中包括用哈勃太空望远镜来测量结构属性的数据,以及用光谱学来确认红移和其他基本特征。
This galaxy is located at z = 3.35 when it was only 1.9 billion years old, where z is the magnitude of redshift. Previous study of this galaxy used to number imaging methods, including data from the Hubble Space Telescope to measure structural properties, and spectroscopy to confirm the redshift and other basic features.
但在Saracco和他的团队的新研究中,他们使用了从亚利桑那州的大型双目望远镜(LBT) 获得的详细近红外光谱。目标是利用这一光谱确定C1-23152的星系年龄、金属丰度和速度弥散度,同时从这些信息中获得星系中恒星的形成历史。
In this recent study, Saracco and the team used the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona to obtain a detailed near-infrared spectrum. The goal was to use this spectrum to conclusively establish C1-23152’s stellar age, metallicity and velocity dispersion, while also obtaining the star-formation history from the information.
The LBT spectrum of galaxy C1-23151
The Measurements
Almost all physical properties of galaxies are encoded in the light they emit. Therefore, the key to this investigation is to work backwards from photometry and spectroscopy results obtained. Using the high quality Large Binocular Telescope spectrum, the team extracted both absorption line fitting (ALF) and full spectrum fitting (FSF). In both cases, they compared the data to a range of synthesis models with known physical properties like the stellar age, metallicity and mass.
The team also performed the standard spectral energy distribution (SED) modelling with the photometry from the UltraVISTA survey, revealing the star formation and geometrical arrangement of stars and gases in the galaxy.
The outside of European Southern Observatory's (ESO) VISTA telescope
经过研究,C1-23152确定是一个早期类型的静止星系,其质量是太阳的2千亿倍,还有着一个活跃星系核。它的形态形成于观测前的6亿年,z ~ 4.6的时候。恒星群形成是在观测前的1.5到6亿年之间,在1.5亿年前恒星形成逐渐到达了尾声。在高峰时期,每年出现的恒星总质量是太阳质量的400多倍。
Indeed, C1-23152 is found to be an early-type quiescent galaxy hosting an active galactic nucleus and assembled a mass of 2 hundred billion times the Sun. Its morphology was shaped within ~600 million years prior the observation, since z ~ 4.6. The stellar population is formed between ~600 to ~150 million years before the observed epoch, with the latter being the time since star formation coming to an end. During the peak time, more than 400 times the Solar Mass worth of stars appeared every year.
The Magic of Inductive Reasoning
So how do these findings affect our knowledge of the massive quiescent galaxies in general?
The rapid formation suggested by the ALF and FSF together with the high surface mass density seen from its morphology, have suggested a new cycle of galaxy buildings. Although dissipative from the start, it did not require mergers between smaller ones, as this will result in much lower surface mass density than seen here.
Two galaxies merging taken by NASA's Hubble
The greater-than-solar metallicity also contribute to fast, dissipative growth of stars, as well as the active galactic nucleus, though it is not entirely clear yet on how it affects the quick formation yet.
However, as Saracco and his team explained in their article: ‘this study suggests that they can play a role in the very fast quenching process of massive galaxies in the early Universe’. The reason for them must the earlier ones because their high magnitudes of redshift, which would be the most important factor affecting the mass density, hence, the densest ones are only expected in the early universe.
There's still a lot of uncertainty in the universe, but the research on C1-23152 this time have provided a new understanding of galaxy formation and grow in the early universe. With careful analysis of the spectrum, the team confirmed many of the previously observed properties of it and deducted possible formation processes that both fit into ready know theories of galaxy evolutions over time and explains origin of this extreme case.
each in-depth study of unique galaxies,
like C1-23152, brings us closer to
a full image of galaxy formation and evolution,
with all of the intricacies included.
图为被称为“极深场”(eXtreme Deep Field, XDF)的照片,是NASA用哈勃望远镜经过10年拍摄的后,由一片片天空碎片照片组合而成的
Known as the eXtreme Deep Field (XDF), is a combination of pieces of sky images taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope over the course of 10 years.
图片来自 Sci-News, KSU, UltraVISTA, NASA官网
部分信息参考来自的由 来自意大利国家天体物理研究所的 Paolo Saracoo 和他的团队的 “The Rapid Build-up of Massive Early-type Galaxies, Supersolar Metallicity, High Velocity Dispersion and Young Age for an ETG at z=3.35" 论文
Pictures from official website of Sci-News, KSU, UltraVISTA, NASA.
*Parts are from “The Rapid Build-up of Massive Early-type Galaxies, Supersolar Metallicity, High Velocity Dispersion and Young Age for an ETG at z=3.35" by the scientist team lead by Paolo Saracoo from the Italy's National Institute for Astrophysics