💫王朝陨落谜团💫 Tales the Dynasty’s End
Last time we talked about the smallest of the smallest, so today why not take a look at the other end of spectrum, the powerful ones of the senior group?
In case you missed the last article, we are talking about white dwarfs (WD) here. They are the remnants of the once vibrant main sequence star, the end times of stars’ lifetime. Like our Sun, all stars with a similar mass to it will one day become a WD.
Although there are billions and trillions of them in the universe, the star is the emperor of its own little stellar kingdom with the many of its planet ministers and supporters. So now, as the dynasty’s endapproaches, what would be the fate these loyal followers?
嗯… 说来话长,但在最近的一些研究中发现,他们神秘的故事很有可能会是个悲剧。
Well, the story is complicated, some recent discoveries shows that it might be some mysterious and tragic stories.
Astronomers have observed unexpected metals (elements heavier than hydrogen and helium) in the spectra of WDs, indicating signs of the destruction and accretion of planets.
So, what happened? Let's find out!
A type IA supernova, which is believed to be a thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf in a tight orbit with a companion star, a common ending for a star
An Unsolved Case
As the stars blow off the heavy outer layers at the entry of the last stage of life, they basically become the naked cores of the original stars, their spectra mostly show hydrogen, helium, carbon or oxygen.
图为NASA的哈勃望远镜拍到的PK 329-02.2 星云。是一颗类似太阳的恒星在将要变成白矮星爆炸时的场景,再次之后,这颗恒星将会失去从前作为主序星的外壳
An image of the PK 329-02.2 nebula from NASA's Hubble. It is scene of a Sun like star exploding and blowing away its out layer. After this, the star would have transformed from a main sequence star to a white dwarf
So, after stripping, the WDs are grouped according to their composition and normally they would stay like that until the end. However, things are not always so simple, some of them prefers to live a crazy life till the last second.
One of the WD groups is the helium dominated WDs, after some years of monitoring, a few of them has started to mysteriously have extra hydrogen with unknown source appearing in their spectra.
1. 氢一直在那里,它们只是从原来的恒星遗留下来的
2. 氢来自外部物质(如星际介质或行星)
3. 氢是从白矮星深层慢慢渗透挖掘出来的
Therefore, astronomers came up with three possibilities:
1. The hydrogen was always in there, they simply left from the original star
2. The hydrogen came from an external source (e.g. an interstellar medium or a planet)
3. The hydrogen was dredge-up from deeper layers of the core
But which one is it?
Previous research found that, with a number of WDs, hydrogen was almost twice as common in stars with metal pollution than those without. Hence, indicating that option 2 would be the more likely case.
This idea is confirmed with another study by observing the excesses of oxygen in the WDs’ spectra. They concur each other because the extra oxygen was interpreted as originated from accretion of water, which means there also have been accretion of hydrogen.
However, these are only likely propositions with no clear story line.
因此,为了更好地了解这些行星在白矮星附近消失的离奇过程,以及这些行星的来源身份,一个由Paula Izquierdo领导的,成员来自西班牙、英国、德国和美国的团队成立了。他们决定更详细地研究GD 424,一颗有着金属污染的富含氢的氦白矮星的完美代表。
In order to understand better the history of accreting WDs and origininal identities of the destroyed planets, a team lead by Paula Izquierdo with member across Spain, UK, Germany and USA, decided in to take more detailed look at GD 424. It represents a typical scenario of a metal polluted hydrogen rich helium white dwarf.
The Many Mysteries
There are a few miseries yet to be solved, however, the first thing would be to take a closer look at the emperor star itself.
使用的是西班牙的威廉·赫歇尔望远镜,研究小组发现GD 424有一个以氦为主的光球层,光谱中还显示含有氢的成分,以及一些属于氧、镁、硅和钙的较窄吸收线。
Using the William Herschel Telescope in Spain, the team found GD 424 to have a helium-dominated photosphere with the presence of hydrogen as well as some narrower absorption lines belonging to oxygen, magnesium, silicon and calcium.
图为GD 424的吸收光谱,图表上不同的凹陷代表了不同物质的存在,其中橙色标记的部分代表了氦的存在,尤为明显
The absorption spectrum of GD 424 showing the existence of different elements with the most obvious orange labelled ones as the helium absorption lines
By modeling those result, the team obtained more details on the properties of the photosphere (e.g. the temperature and surface gravity). After which, they were able to finally determine the abundance of each material in the WD.
The next challenge is to find the composition of the potentially destroyed planet. Though before that, the first thing was to make some assumptions on when the accretion of planet started and its progress.
So, the team came up with a simple model, dividing the accretion process into three stages: increasing accretion – leads to increase of metal abundance; steady-state accretion – accretion/diffusion reaches equilibrium; decreasing accretion – metal abundance exponentially decays due to diffusion and sinks into the WD.
All three stages indicated that the metal abundance depends on the balanced relationship between accretion state (how much gone into the photosphere) and the diffusion state (how much leaving the photosphere).
因为已经掌握数据没有明确的迹象表明现在GD 424在哪个状态,小组对所有三个阶段都进行了测试。结果表明,增加态和稳定态都是有可能的。
With the data already in hand, there was no clear indication to which state the WD. Therefore all three scenarios were put to test. So, the result suggests that both the increasing state and steady state were possible.
图为被GD 424 吸积的行星的金属元素丰度对比图(以硅为标准),其中深蓝色标记代表在不同吸积阶段会出现的金属丰度,空心标记代表了地球不同区域的指数,以及浅粉和浅蓝标记代表了其他白矮星的指数
The abundances of different metals (relative to silicon) in the accreting planet of GD 424. The dark blue plots refers to the 3 stages in the accretion process, the hollow ones for different parts of the Earth, and the light pink and blue ones for other white dwarfs
不过,GD 424的吸积率是所有观测到的白矮星中最高之一,而且它至少已经吸积了一整个太阳系小行星10 Hygeia(按体积和质量计算,太阳系第四大小行星)的质量。
Though the accretion rate is one the highest of all observed WDs and it has already accreted at least the mass of the Solar System asteroid 10 Hygeia (fourth-largest asteroid in the Solar System by both volume and mass).
结果还表明,被吸积的是一个类似地球,但含有更多的钙的行星。研究小组还试图通过检测非自然出现的过量氧气来计算那颗被吸积的行星上的水含量。有趣的是,结果显示并没有过量的氧气,GD 424似乎正在吸积一颗干燥的岩石行星的碎片,而不是一颗‘水行星‘。
The result also implied an Earth like planet, which with much more calcium, was accreted. Team also tried to calculate the amount of water in that planet originally by checking the excess oxygen that would not naturally appear. Interestingly, there is an absence of excess oxygen, GD 424 appearing to be currently accreting some dry, rocky planetary debris, not a watery one.
图为这次研究中最重要的威廉·赫歇尔望远镜,位于西班牙的加那利群岛(the Canary Islands)拉帕尔马岛(La Palma)上,是牛顿望远镜小组的一部分
The William Herschel Telescope on the La Palma Island in the Canary Islands. It is part of the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
Where is the water gone?
The Reveal
Although it does not have to be water that existed on the accreted planet for there to be unreasonable amount of hydrogen, there must be another explanation.
Lucky, it is known that for hydrogen to appear in the spectrum, it must have been accreted recently. The reason being the WD has to be sufficiently cool enough to keep the hydrogen in the photosphere, otherwise the high temperature would have encouraged reactions that would use it all up.
This indicates that the hydrogen must have been left from the previous accretion period, where the WD consumed a water-rich planet, and the oxygen was gone simply due to diffusion shortly after the accretion process.
An illustration of a white dwarf and a planetary fragment orbiting it, leaving a trail of gas in its wake
Now that we finally know all pieces of the puzzle, the mystery can be unraveled.
离开主序列后,GD 424也决定终结它周围的所有行星。首先是那位水灵灵的御前女官,现在是一位坚硬的石质大臣,那么下一个会是谁呢?
Since leaving the main sequence, GD 424 has decided to also bring an end to its surrounding planets. First, the water-rich lady-in-waiting, now a rocky minister, so who would be next?
So it seems,
it's not only us human that have the fear of leaving,
stars too!
As member of this vast universe, our fates all seem similar.
An illustration of a white dwarf and the planet that is being accreted by it
图片来自 NASA, ING, AAAS 官网
文中部分英文信息参考来西班牙、英国、德国和美国学者合作, 由 Paula Izquierdo 带领的团队的 “GD 424 – a helium-atmosphere white dwarf with a large amount of trace hydrogen in the process of digesting a rocky planetesimal" 论文
Pictures from official website of NASA, ING, AAAS.
Parts are from “GD 424 – a helium-atmosphere white dwarf with a large amount of trace hydrogen in the process of digesting a rocky planetesimal" by the scientist team lead by Paula Izquierdo from Spain, UK, Germany and USA
the rest of the Chinese and English content is original