嘿,黑洞,你在那干嘛?Hey Blackhole, why are you there?



Most people know blackholes the by the fact that they cannot be escaped from

But, since there are so many things in the big wide universe that we don’t know about, are there places that Black Holes can’t even escape from?

图为黑洞模拟图像 Model of black hole

Model of black hole


Though this is seeming a crazy though, the answer to this question may be a solution another mystery. The recent discovery of LIGO-Virgo. “These Black Holes Should Not Exist, but There They Are”, quoted from the New Yoke Times. Also called the “Impossible Black Hole” by the Log Angeles Times. 



The event making new was GW19052: a merge of two black holes with masses of ~85 solar mass and ~66 solar mass. Making it the most dramatic ever collision between black holes witnessed by gravitational wave observatories and the most energetic event ever detected. 

Their product was a gargantuan black hole of 142 times the mass of the sun and the other 9 solar masses released as gravitational wave energy.


The subtle relationship between LIGO-Virgo and gravitational waves


Gravitational waves are invisible ripples in space-time that travel at the speed of light (300 million m/s), carrying information of their origins and clues of gravity yet to be studied by us. 


They were first predicted by Einstein in 1916 in his theory of relativity. He’s mathematics showed that with the acceleration of massive objects (e.g. neutron stars and black holes), space-time would be disturbed, and waves of space-time would propagate in all directions from the source like ripples of water in a pond.  


LIGO and Virgo are both collaborations between scientists from all around the world focusing on the direct detection gravitational waves. LIGO is using them to explore the fundamental physics of gravity, developing topic to one day be used as a tool for astronomical discoveries


While Virgo itself is an interferometric gravitational-wave antenna, consisting of two 3-km-long arms, containing various machinery used to form a laser interferometer. The Virgo collaboration is the designer, builder and operator for it.

图为Virgo探测仪内部 Inside the Virgo

Inside the Virgo


The event GW19052 came as surprise to many scientists, because with the existence core-collapse supernovas, it is very unlikely for such massive black holes to be formed. Core-collapse supernovas normally happens when very massive star, with masses ~8 solar mass, collapse due to gravity after all the fussion fuel runs out. A large amount of the mass would be released as energy, while the rest implodes to form black holes. The size of the black hole formed would depend of the size of the original star and the already know supernova models can easily predict the formation of black holes with masses between 5 to 60 solar mass.

图为恒星内部爆炸模拟 Model of explosion in the stellar interior

Model of explosion in the stellar interior


To produce even larger black holes would need the initial stars to be at least 130 solar masses. With such large stars, there is a point where their cores would reach such high energy that the gamma rays inside start to collide with the atomic nuclei, producing electrons and positrons. This means the gamma rays originally supporting the star from collapsing would disappear, meaning the core having higher and higher pressure until the star over comes its own forces, it just can’t handle the pressures anymore. This results in a huge explosion - pair-instability supernova, leaving nothing behind but empty space, preventing the formation of black holes with mass range from 60 to 150 solar masses, called the ‘upper mass gap’ of staller-mass black holes.


The Weird Ones

然而,形成“上质量间隙”的黑洞并不是绝对不可能。GW150914就是个例子,一个36倍太阳质量的黑洞和一个29倍太阳质量的黑洞合并后形成了一个质量62倍太阳质量的“第二代”(2g) 黑洞,达到了“上质量间隙”的下限。而且这不是一个个例,GW170729、GW170823和GW170818都被观察到产生在上质量间隙下限的2g黑洞。

However, forming black holes in the ‘upper mass gap’ is not absolutely impossible. GW150914 was the cases, where a 36 solar masses black hole merged with a 29 solar masses black hole, forming a ‘second generation’ (2g) black hole with mass 62 solar masses, reaching the lower end of the ‘upper mass gap’. And that was not an exception, events like GW170729, GW170823, and GW170818 have also been observed to leave behind 2g black holes touching the lower limits of the upper mass gap.


So, could further mergers of those black holes populate the upper end of the upper mass gap? Before we explore more into that, let us go back to our original question: are there places black holes cannot even escape?


To have mergers of binary black holes, a special characteristic is needed, having the gravitational radiation emitting all in different directions. With this imperfection, the linear momentum gives the newly formed 2g black hole a ‘kick’, giving it the perfect chance to get away. There are many studies on this fascinating kick topic, but what matter for the forming huge black holes is the velocity they were flung off.


With rockets, enough energy would be needed for it reach the speed to escape Earth’s gravity – escape velocity, and that’s the same with black holes. If its energy from the recoil is high enough, it will be able to escape its stellar environment and be free. And that all depends on the density of its local environment


Normally, a relatively less dense stellar cluster would have escape velocity of ~10km/s, while the denser globular areas would have ~50km/s. However, the areas of nuclear star clusters, at the cores of the galaxies, are the places with highest stellar densities. That’s where black holes are generally born, escape velocity of more than 100km/s.

图为NASA用红外线拍摄的星系核 Galactic core in infared taken by NASA

Galactic core in infared taken by NASA

在伯明翰大学的Davide Gerosa教授和约翰霍普金斯大学的 Emanuele Berti教授,作为在这个领域先锋科研人员,他们的实验目标是研究在一个特定的区域中,有多少个通过过往合并产生的残骸而组成的2g黑洞。在一个设定的逃逸速度环境中,一组黑洞将尽力多次模拟合并或重组。那些模拟合并中用到残骸来自于以前爆炸时速度不足而没有成功逃脱的黑洞,也就是这样它们能够参与到未来合并,形成能被LIGO-Virgo观测到黑洞,填上上物质间隙的上限空白处。

With the aim of find how many 2g black holes could be formed with the remnants of previous mergers in that area; Davide Gerosa from University of Birmingham and Emanuele Berti from Johns Hopkins University have been modeling multiple mergers over time from a set of black holes in a environment with defined escape velocities. The remnants in this case are the black holes what didn’t escape successfully due the lack of velocity they had during their explosions. So, they were able to participate in future mergers datable by the LIGO-Virgo, hence forming black holes populating the upper mass gap.


Their model showed that with environments with higher escape speeds are more likely to detain 2g black holes, therefore harboring a large number of black holes in the upper mass gap. 

图表显示在设定逃逸速度的区域中,双星黑洞合并后的重量分布* Distribution of the black holes as a part of binary black hole mergers in a environment with give escape velocity*

Distribution of the black holes as a part of binary black hole mergers in a environment with give escape velocity*


The models also confirmed that any detection of black holes in the upper mass gap contains remnants from previous mergers. Though theoretical models predicted that there cannot be any black holes formed within the upper mass gap, the single detection of GW19052 pointed out that with the existence of such environment, black holes can be there. There are still endless possibilities yet to be discovered.

图表显示有了二代或更高代黑洞才能产生在上质量间隙的下一代黑洞* Mergers involving black holes in the upper mass gap are of the second-generation or higher*

Mergers involving black holes in the upper mass gap are of the second-generation or higher*


Looking forward


Now, it is clear why the GW190521 was such an exciting and fascinating event: not only it produced the heaviest black hole ever seen through gravitational waves, but the components were also massive enough to be in the upper mass gap. As explained above, black holes reaching the lower limit of the upper mass gap are very rare, and mostly likely were 2g black holes born in dense stellar environment. Hence the newly formed product could be a third generation or even higher generation black hole




This is discovery is only the 

tip of the upper mass gap iceberg, 

with further simulations of the LIGO-Virgo 

we will be ready for the countless surprise

图为黑洞相撞时的引力波模拟 Simulation of gravitational waves when black holes collide

Simulation of gravitational waves when black holes collide

图片来自LIGO, Virgo, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, NASA官网

*部分来自Davide Gerosa和 Emanuele Berti的“Escape speed of stellar clusters from multiple-generation black-hole mergers in the upper mass gap"论文

Pictures from official website of LIGO, Virgo, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, NASA.

*Parts are from “Escape speed of stellar clusters from multiple-generation black-hole mergers in the upper mass gap" by Davide Gerosa and Emanuele Berti


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