红移和蓝移 Redshift and Blueshift

Redshift and blueshift,also know as the Dopper effect, describe how light shifts toward shorter or longer wavelengths as objects in space move towards or away from us.


As we know from looking at the rainbow, light is made a range of colours, and each with different frequency, white light is a mixture of all those different colour light waves. 


On one end of spectrum is red light with slightly lowered frequencies and on the other end is high frequency blue light.

图为可见光谱 - 红色端为较低频率的光波,蓝色端为较高频率的光波The visible light spectrum - the red end shows light waves with lower frequencies, the blue end shows light waves with greater frequencies. 

图为可见光谱 - 红色端为较低频率的光波,蓝色端为较高频率的光波

The visible light spectrum - the red end shows light waves with lower frequencies, the blue end shows light waves with greater frequencies. 


As the source of wave move away from the observer, the waves shift towards red end, since the frequencies become lower as waves spread out, hence called redshift. On the other hand, if the source move towards us, blueshift will happen as the waves get compressed.


An example in our daily life the sound of ambulance approaching and driving away. Like light, sound is also made of waves, and the higher the frequency the higher the pitch.

这就是为什么当救护车接近时,它的声音特别高(频率压缩并增加),而当它离开时(频率分散并减少)就会非常低, 声音比来的时候低了不少。

That’s why when an ambulance approaches, it’s sound is especially high pitched (frequency increase) and much lowered when it leaves (frequency decreasing).


For galaxies, when z=0, there is no motion towards or away for our milky way.


Explanation of the Doppler Effect

所以C1-23152的z= 3.35显示了它移动的速度有多快。相比之下,距离银河系最近的仙女星系的z = -0.001001。虽然负号表示它在正在向我们移动,但不用担心。

So the z = 3.35 for C1-23152 just shows how far and fast it is moving away. In comparison, the closest galaxy to the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy, have z = -0.001001. Although the minus sign indicated it moving towards us, it is nothing to worry about. 


Statistics show, when two galaxies collide, due to the low density, it is very unlikely for two stars to collide, let alone planets. It will also take at least 4 billion years before it coming to us.

图为NASA的仙女星系 Image of the Andromeda galaxy by NASA

Image of the Andromeda galaxy by NASA

图片来自  NASA, KSU官网

Picture from official website of NASA, KSU.


第三类 Population III