矮人国的孩子们 Children of the Dwarfs
近年来,随着越来越多的系外行星被发现,我们对行星系的形成与演化的认识也有了显著的发展。不过离我们最近的‘地球’ (类地行星)还是4光年……
With more and more discoveries of new exoplanets in the recent years, our knowledge of the formation and evolution of planetary systems have also developed greatly. Even though the next closest Earth-like planet is still more than 4 light years away …
However, that’s not the main point here. With the bulk of those discovered ones orbiting around Sun-like stars, we have again forgotten about the minatory groups in the universe - the planets around red dwarfs (the low-mass stars). In another word, we should not be restricted to studying only our solar system’s set up, there is a whole new world out there when we turn around and look at some of the others that doesn’t necessary orbit a ‘Sun’.
TRAPPIST-1, for example, is a compact star system observed in 2017, and since then have made itself famous by having a number of Earth-like planets in the system’s habitable zone. And this is not just a single special case, around 80% of all stars in our Milky Way (~100 thousand million) are red dwarfs. A very high chance of finding more like TRAPPIST-1. Therefore, it is extremely important to look at the red dwarfs as well, when in search for habitable planets. Red dwarf are the smallest and coolest types of stars in the main sequence.
图为TRAPPIST-1(上半) 与太阳系(下半)的比较,图中TRAPPIST-1在被按照比例被放大25倍前,是太阳系中蓝色圆圈的大小,可见现实中它有多紧凑 The TRAPPIST-1 System (top) and Solar System (bottom) in comparison. Before TRAPPIST-1 was scaled up 25 times. it was the size of blue circle in the Solar System, this shows how compact it is in real life
Though this extra task sounds easy, due to the low luminosities of those habitable exoplanets, they are actually extremely difficult to detect. And this is where NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) comes into use, with its highly sensitive instruments, it can help us to detect hundreds of exoplanets in orbit around red dwarfs (hereafter M dwarf planets).
For now, let us now follow the steps of a research group in the US to learn how these M dwarf planets were formed in the first place.
一颗假想的系外行星围绕着一颗红矮星运行的艺术图像 An illustration of a red dwarf star orbited by a hypothetical exoplanet
Growing Up
As explained in a few articles before, everything in this universe is made of the basic quarks and lepton, objects are just big lumps of them. With dust in the protoplanetary disc made of molecules, their accumulation and coagulation form planetesimals (solid object formed from dust, rock and other materials), which then collide into each other to form embryos – the beginning of a planet.
Protoplanetary discs are like the wombs of planets, consisting ideal gases and dust that provide the initial conditions for planet formation. It is important to note that the properties of these protoplanetary discs vary according to the spectral type, which is dependent on the parent star’s temperature. Since the stars discussed here are much smaller than the Sun, their temperatures are also quite different, the rules for the Sun do not necessarily apply. Therefore, the evolution of these planets has to be studied separately.
After the embryos are formed, they are subject to many physical processes, including tidal forces, torques, aerodynamic drag and accretion. In order to have a complete model with all these factors included for the formation of planets, the team used a standard N-body simulation with some additional forces to cover the range of physical processes.
图为一颗被原行星盘包围的恒星的艺术图像 An illustration of a star surrounded by a protoplanetary disk
Totally, 10 different models were used, each with 147 embryos as well as different initial conditions of the protoplanetary disc and the amount of gas there. Including the gas proportion as a variable is hugely important, its presence leads to resonant torques, which effects embryo’s motion around the star.
模拟结果表明,大部分M矮行星最终会成为‘超级地球’,质量在地球的2.5 - 5.2倍之间。在所有初始147个胚胎的模拟中,平均96%的碰撞发生在椎间盘形成最初的一百万年。在包含气体的模型中,99%的碰撞发生在气体盘消散之前。因此,大多数行星系统都在原行星盘生命的早期阶段就稳定下来了,那是气体盘也还在。
The simulation shows that the majority of the M dwarf planets formed would be Super-Earths, having masses between 2.5 - 5.2 Earth’s mass. Averaged over all simulations of the initial 147 embryos, 96% of collisions would occur in the first 1 million year of the disc formation. In models that included gas, 99% of collisions occur before the gas disc dissipates. Thus, most planets systems stabilized in the presence of the gas disc, at early stages of protoplanetary disc’s lifetime.
图为所有胚胎的半长轴(以天文单位表示,离母星的最大半径)作为模拟时间(年为单位)的函数。阴影部分代表原行星盘。胚胎颜色是根据其最初的半长轴分配的 Plot of the semi-major axis (maximum radius from the parent star) of all embryos (in AU) as a function of simulation time (in years). The shaded region represents the protoplanetary disc. Embryos are coloured according to their initial semi-major axis
The Different Hometowns
As we say, 'life is unfair', some more spectacular than others. For planets, the protoplanetary disc environments determines thier starting point in life. And the rare highlights would be those ‘giant impacts’, for example the collisions that are believed to have created the Moon.
The team defined these love matches as impacts between two sufficiently sized embryos. With the combined mass around 0.5 Earth masses, one of embryo needs to be no more than 5 times heavier than the other.
Simulations show that more of these crashes happen before the disk dissipates, while late giant impacts occur significantly rarer. However, that does not stop those late-stage true love happening when being outside the disks or even after the disk dissipates. With the gas contained simulations, about a quarter of the final impacts happened within the disc. There planets are hence more likely to retain atmospheres, since they are able to re-accrete gas from the disc.
图为假想的系外行星围绕着一颗恒星运行的艺术图像 An illustration of a star orbited by a hypothetical exoplanet
找呀 找呀 找朋友
Where’s My Friend
To get to know the planetary system better, apart from modeling with the simulations, their results should also be compared with observational data. Here, the team calculated the probability of have more than one transiting planet in the system and the ratio between their orbital periods, called the period ratio. A transit planet is one that passes between the star and observer when observing.
Given that one planet transits, the team found the average probability of seeing an additional transiting planet has a 64.4% chance. However, gas-free models tend to have larger semi- major axes and relatively high mutual inclinations, so the average probability of seeing an additional transiting planet decreases to only 5.0%.
图为由NASA的TESS发现的第一颗环双星的轨道。这颗土星大小的系外行星名为TOI1338b,距地球1300光年,围绕两颗恒星 (TOI1338A和TOI1338B) 运行 The orbit of the first circumbinary planet found by NASA’s TESS. The Saturn-size exoplanet called TOI1338b orbits two stars (TOI1338A & TOI1338B) 1,300 light-years away
Histograms were then used for the observational and simulated data, to compare the differences between in the period ratio of pairs of planets for each system. The observational data were from the Kepler space telescope.
Simulation data shows that the most common ratio is around 2 for the simulated data, meaning one planet in the pair takes twice as long to orbit the star compared to the other one in the pair. While for the Kepler sample, the peak is more around 1.5. The team attribute this difference to the fact that most Kepler planets orbit higher mass stars.
图为三组数据的直方图:基础模拟周期比(粉色),无气体模拟周期比(蓝色),开普勒样本的周期比(黑色) The orbit of The histograms of the period ratios for the base simulation (pink), the simulation with no gas (blue) and the sample of planetary pairs found by Kepler (black)
Hopes for the Future
Several key conclusions can be drawn from these simulations. The first being that M dwarf planets form rapidly and tend to migrate inwards over time, which results in collisions and destroys any ‘memories’ of the initial conditions. Their formation period is relatively short compared to the lifetime of the disc they came from.
Secondly, the location and density of planets in a system is largely dependent on the presence of gas disc during the formation stage. Systems brought up with gas tend to have a smaller and closer family, while models without gas produces more planets but more separated. Planets that have their final collisions in the gas discs tends to also retain an atmosphere.
Finally, with TESS detecting hundreds of M dwarf planets, and giving samples of wide range of parameter values (e.g. masses, radii, etc.), it will help to provide tighter constraints on the outputs of future simulations.
Soon in the future, we will be able to unlock
more secrets of how red dwarf exoplanets form and where our next ‘Earth’ is!
图为NASA的开普勒任务发现的两颗土星大小的行星的艺术图像 An artist illustration of the two Saturn-sized planets discovered by NASA's Kepler mission
图片来自 NASA, MIT 官网以及以下文章
文中部分英文信息参考来自 B Zawadzki, D Carrera, E Ford 的 ‘Rapid Formation of Super-Earths Around Low-Mass Stars' 文章
Images from official website of NASA, Chandra and the below articles
Parts are sited from ‘Rapid Formation of Super-Earths Around Low-Mass Stars' from B Zawadzki, D Carrera, E Ford
The rest of the Chinese and English content are original