夜空中的艺术家与炼金士Artists and Alchemists of the Sky
Dust – what would be more common in our daily life, but did you know?
In Earth’s atmosphere, they consist of particles lifted from the soil by wind, volcanic eruptions, and pollution.
At homes,~ 50% of them are from dead skin cells.
In space, stars’ history and future are in their hands.
Even though small and aren’t the most enthralling subject upon first glance, dust is one of the most underappreciated topics in astronomy. Not only do they tell the tales about the magnetic fields and temperatures of our galaxy, but they can also even paint out the 3D morphology of galaxy structures.
据预测,在未来十年里,我们将通过对太空尘埃的观测,第一次有机会充分了解银河系中的气体结构。例如,最近在拉德克利夫波(Radcliffe Wave)的发现中,尘埃就提供了大量不可或缺的关键信息。拉德克利夫波是一种巨大的,能够定义了银河系中太阳附近区域形状的气体结构。
It is predicted that over the next decade, by using observation of space dust, it will our first chance of fully understanding the structure of gases in our Milky Way. For example, the recent discovery of the Radcliffe Wave, which is a gigantic structure that defines the shape of the Sun's local neighbourhood in the galaxy, used a great deal of information provided by the dust.
24-micron emission (tracing the dust) in the Andromeda galaxy. Image taken with Spitzer. Clear spiral arms are seen, and the regions with intense dust emission correspond to regions of active star formation.
Apart from being architects and artists, dusts are also great alchemists. Knowledgeable about the chemistry that created stars, planets and origins of the complex molecules, like those that make up you and me. However, dusts do not last forever in space, they are delicate and precious as they can get destroyed by the frequent violent explosions in space – the supernovae.
图为一个大质量恒星在我们附近的小麦哲伦星云爆炸时产生的超新星残留物。来自NASA的钱德拉天文台(蓝色和紫色)的x射线数据有效的帮助了天文学家确认宇宙中的大部分氧气是在大质量恒星中合成的,来自NASA哈勃望远镜和智利甚大望远镜的光学数据显示为在这里以红色和绿色显示。 The supernova remnant produced by a massive star that exploded in the nearby Small Magellanic Cloud. X-rays from Chandra (blue and purple) have helped astronomers confirm that most of the oxygen in the universe is synthesised in massive stars, while the optical data from NASA's Hubble Telescope and the Very Large Telescope in Chile are shown here in red and green.
💍 璀璨夺目的指环 💍
The Dazzling Rings
To understand how these massive explosions of matter and energy may destroy our ‘windows’ to the outer space, a group of scientists from the UK and Belgium began the study by first examining three nearby supernova remnants: G11.2-0.3, G27.4+0.0, and G29.7-0.3., (‘nearby’ here means 4-6 kiloparsecs: ~13,000 to 20,000 light years away.)
Although not the closest to us, these three were chosen for their clear interaction with the surrounding interstellar medium in both the X-ray and infrared (IR), which is key for further investigations.
图为NASA的钱德拉天文台拍摄的x射线 G11.2-0.3 超新星遗迹图
The X-ray image from Chandra data of the supernova remnant G11.2-0.3
The analysis began by identifying the near-circular shell for each remnant, which is the material swept up by the shock from a supernova explosion surrounding the central pulsar wind nebula.
The shell is a 3D object, however, as with everything we see in the sky, it becomes a 2D image when observing it. So here, it will appear as a ring, since there is more hot gas in our line of sight at the outer regions than when looking through the more central parts.
左图:来自斯皮策望远镜的24微米射线的(红外追踪) G11.2-0.3 图像。图中可以清晰的看到超新星遗迹中的一层尘埃。右图:来自钱德拉的同样的超新星残骸x射线图,这里也可以清晰地看到残骸的外壳。
Left: 24-micron emission of G11.2-0.3 (tracing the dust in the infrared) from Spitzer. A clear shell of dust is seen in the SNR.Right: X-ray emission image from Chandra for the same SNR. The shell of the remnant is clearly visible in X-rays.
After the shell boundaries are determined in X-ray, the data of X-ray emission can then be used to find out the temperature and density of gases in the shell. Because of X-ray’s high energy (millions of degrees), they are great tracers for hot gases in supernova remnants.
The Cold is Coming
With spatial structure of the shell determined by X-ray, the team then moved on to using IR to find out more about the dust. After comparing the measured IR data with the predicted data of only using X-ray as the tracer, it shows there is not a great match. So, the team then included a sizable amount of ‘cold dust’ into the prediction, which made a much better fit for the real data in all three cases.
两个图标均为 G11.2-03 的最佳拟合光谱能量分布,图中红线为已经被模型计入的暖尘,蓝线为冷尘成分的最佳拟合,黑线为是两者之和
Best-fit spectral energy distribution (SED) for G11.2-03 with red as the warm dust already accounted for by the model, the blue as the best fit to the cold dust component, and the black as the sum of the two
Left: using carbon dust grains in the model without including the extra cold component of dust Right: using carbon dust grains with the extra cold component of dust added on
This result suggests that previous predictions on the remnants has significantly underestimated the amount of dust in supernova remnant, there must be a relatively high proportion of it in there. In another words, we have probably vastly overestimated the ability of supernovae to destroy dust. This large additional quantity of cold dust could be the undetected regions of cold gases that have already passed through the supernova shockwave, which doesn’t show up in X-rays.
The Centenary Cooperation
As well as telling us more secrets about the galaxies in space, dust is also extremely important in the life cycle of the universe itself. It is the key ingredient in the interstellar medium, where star-forming materials cool, contract and bring life to new planets, stars and others.
On the other side, supernovae happening at the end of the stars’ lifetime, are the critical milestones in the galaxy evolution as they regulate the rate of star formation.
图为来自NASA钱德拉的仙后座A (Cas A)的图像:一个大质量恒星爆炸后留下的碎片场。这场爆炸大约出现在300多年前的星空中。
An image from Chandra of Cassiopeia A (Cas A) - the debris field left behind after a massive star exploded. This explosion would have appeared in Earth's sky over 300 years ago.
With these two important features in space combined to form our discovery today. If previous models and simulations, that were formed from data on dust destruction of supernovae, have largely overestimated the power of supernovae to destroy dust, then those previous results may not be as solid ground as we first thought.
Hence the high-resolution simulations models for the interstellar medium, that represent our best understanding of star formation now, could be very much misunderstanding.
New physics may be lurking in the dark sky,
to be seen and understood!
Some of the coldest and darkest dust in space shines brightly in this infrared image from the Herschel Observatory of ESA and NASA. The image shows a cold and turbulent region where material is just beginning to condense into new stars: blue the warmer material, red the coolest, and green as the intermediate temperatures.
图片来自 NASA, Chandra 官网以及以下文章
文中部分英文信息参考来自 F. D. Priestley, H. Chawner, M. Matsuura, I. De Looze, M. J. Barlow, H. L. Gomez 的 ‘Revisiting the dust destruction efficiency of supernovae' 文章
Images from official website of NASA, Chandra and the below articles
Parts are sited from ‘Revisiting the dust destruction efficiency of supernovae' from F. D. Priestley, H. Chawner, M. Matsuura, I. De Looze, M. J. Barlow, H. L. Gomez
The rest of the Chinese and English content are original