时空胶囊 - 下篇 Time Capsules Part 2




Last time, we learned about the selection process and masses of the 8 samples, and now we'll continue our exploration to see 

what new discoveries they can bring us!

探洞三部曲 之 速度

The Black Hole Trilogy - Velocity

知道了样本群和它们的质量,下一步就是计算他们的运动速度了。虽然他们可以从Hα发射线来获取数据,但最终的结果需要速度数据没有任何关于黑洞质量的信息,这样最后才能清楚得观察质量与速度的关系。因此,研究小组使用了Keck II级分光仪来测量了每个星系的Mg Ib射线,和部分的Ca II射线。
Now knowing the sample group and their masses, it’s time to find out the velocity dispersion. While it can be measured form the broad Hα emission lines, it is important to make sure these results are do not have traces information of the black hole masses. Therefore, for each of the 8, the group used the Keck II Echellette Spectrographer to measure the Mg Ib triplet and, where possible, the Ca II triplet.

只测量了部分Ca II射线是因为星系的红移经常会干扰Ca II波长。这也意味着只能使用Mg Ib的数据了。如果两个数据都可用,那么最终速度分散将使用Mg Ib和Ca II的平均值来计算。

Due the galaxies’ red shift, measurements of the Ca II wavelength are often contaminated, which means only the Mg Ib values can be used. If both values are available, then the overall velocity dispersion would be calculated used the mean on the Mg Ib and Ca II values.

图为来自太空望远镜科学研究所, 早期爱德文·哈勃在芝加哥大学的照片Edwin Hubble at the University of Chicago, credit to the Space Telescope Science Institute

图为来自太空望远镜科学研究所, 早期爱德文·哈勃在芝加哥大学的照片

Edwin Hubble at the University of Chicago, credit to the Space Telescope Science Institute

探洞三部曲 之 比较

The Black Hole Trilogy - Comparison

Although 8 does not sound like a large number, the research of the group has doubled the number of dwarf galaxies in the M-σ dispersion relation. All the AGNs lie in the lower end of the dispersion and surprisingly, they all seem to be consistent with the trend for other stellar objects. By identifying these low mass black holes with close agreements with the overall relation, it has helped astronomers to extend their knowledge on the mass range of black holes that interact directly with their host galaxies. It also further evidences the fact that black holes in dwarf galaxies behave in similar ways to the others.

图为黑洞质量与星系的速度色散的关系,图中红色点为这次科学小组研究的8个对象The black hole mass against the velocity dispersion of the galaxy, the red dots are the eight objects studied by the team


The black hole mass against the velocity dispersion of the galaxy, the red dots are the eight objects studied by the team


Whilst this is exciting results for the black hole population, the group out set out to study more on how black holes masses can allow insight on the formation of them in the early universe.


Different black hole seed formation mechanism would be reflected on the sloped and scatter of the results on the M-σ distribution. Prediction for the formation with stellar dominated collapse of lighter Population III ‘seeds’ would be a present-day population of under-massive black holes, meaning a steeper slope. On the other hand, heavier direct collapse would result in flattening of the M-σ distribution due to the higher masses.


Unfortunately, the fact that all 8 plots from the group fitted well with the plotted relationships, they did not give a definite answer on which path they took to become themselves today.

图为由NASA哈勃望远镜2011年拍到的名为Kinman的矮星系,也叫PHL 293B。2001 - 2011年之间,科学们在这个星系中发现了一颗巨大的恒星,但是在2011之后的研究中它便失踪了The Kinman dwarf galaxy, also called PHL 293B, discover by NASA with Hubble. The picture was taken in 2011 before the disappearance of a massive star. Research on this galaxy started in 2001, during which scientists found signs of the star, however there were no signs of it again after 2011 until today.

图为由NASA哈勃望远镜2011年拍到的名为Kinman的矮星系,也叫PHL 293B。2001 - 2011年之间,科学们在这个星系中发现了一颗巨大的恒星,但是在2011之后的研究中它便失踪了

The Kinman dwarf galaxy, also called PHL 293B, discover by NASA with Hubble. The picture was taken in 2011 before the disappearance of a massive star. Research on this galaxy started in 2001, during which scientists found signs of the star, however there were no signs of it again after 2011 until today.


However, with the limited information, using another black hole with much lower mass compared to others and the fact that all the samples they used were all ANGs, the group did still manage to draw some conclusions. Since ANGs are black holes accreting materials at high rates, it would cause them to increase in mass and radiation. So, group made the assumption that the ANGs detected have significantly higher mass than the rest parts of the galaxy. And interestingly, the one other very low mass black hole is no an ANG, meaning it could be better representative of the general black holes in dwarf galaxies.


So, if the assumptions are correct, it would more likely that the ANGs came from stellar collapse and therefore the extreme light black hole represents the favored mechanism for black hole formation in the early universe.


While this can be a possible way in understanding the figures, it is still speculative. Before definite conclusions are made, much more measurements on the dwarf galaxy black holes need to be done to find out whether the extreme low was an exception or the normalcy.


So, let's wait and see what the future brings us! 

图为MPG/ESO 2.2米望远镜拍到的Carina矮星系,是离银河系最近的星系之一。虽然离我们很近,但由于它的低亮度和扩散度,很难被发现,1970年左右才第一次被观测到。科学家们认为这一类的星系应该很多,但因为过于’隐形‘,很难捕捉到他们的身影。The Carina dwarf galaxy from the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope. It is one of the closest galaxy to our Milky Way. Due to its dim and diffuse character, it was only discovered in the 1970s. Scientists believe there are many galaxies out there like this one, but their 'invisibleness' has made it extremely difficult to observe them. 

图为MPG/ESO 2.2米望远镜拍到的Carina矮星系,是离银河系最近的星系之一。虽然离我们很近,但由于它的低亮度和扩散度,很难被发现,1970年左右才第一次被观测到。科学家们认为这一类的星系应该很多,但因为过于’隐形‘,很难捕捉到他们的身影。

The Carina dwarf galaxy from the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope. It is one of the closest galaxy to our Milky Way. Due to its dim and diffuse character, it was only discovered in the 1970s. Scientists believe there are many galaxies out there like this one, but their 'invisibleness' has made it extremely difficult to observe them. 

图片来自 NASA-Sloan Atlas, NASA官网

部分信息参考来自耶鲁大学和蒙大拿州立大学的V F Baldassare, C Dickey, M Geha 和 A E Reines


Pictures from official website of NASA-Sloan Atlas, NASA.

*Parts are from “POPULATING THE LOW-MASS END OF THE MBH − σ∗ RELATION" by V F Baldassare, C Dickey, M Geha and A E Reines from Yale University and Montana State University




时空胶囊 - 上篇 Time Capsules Part 1