
CERN a name often heard with the LHC when talking about physics, and place of many physicists’ dream.



But what is it?

So, let's explore this mysterious and wonderful group of curious creatures!

首先,CERN是法语中“Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire”的缩写,也就是欧洲核研究委员会的缩写。在法瑞边境的日内瓦附近,CERN成立于1954年,有23个成员国,他将来自世界各地的人们团结在一起,一同推动科学技术的前沿,造福人类。*

First of all, CERN stands for "Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire", in French, or the European Council for Nuclear Research. Established in 1954, the organization is based at the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva and has 23 member states. It unites people from all over the world to push the frontiers of science and technology, for the benefit of all. *

图为ATLAS(CERN实验之一)监测到的粒子相撞后4颗介子的产生The production of four muons after a collision in ATLAS - one of CERN's detectors


The production of four muons after a collision in ATLAS - one of CERN's detectors


Using the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments, the physicists and engineers aim to reveal the fundamental structure of the universe. Its physics programs range from nuclear to high energy particles and from antimatter to cosmic rays.


A key part of CERN is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is hosting seven experiments at the moment, the biggest being ATLAS, CMS, ALICE and LHCb. However, there are also six other experiments at CERN that does not involve the LHC and are called the ‘fixed-target’ experiments.

图为Linac 4(CERN加速器之一)的隧道,其中的DTL负责管引导50MeV的粒子束One of CERN's accelerator - Linac 4's tunnel, where the DTL tubes guild the 50MeV beams

图为Linac 4(CERN加速器之一)的隧道,其中的DTL负责管引导50MeV的粒子束

One of CERN's accelerator - Linac 4's tunnel, where the DTL tubes guild the 50MeV beams


CERN最著名的成就是发现了希格斯玻色子(Higgs boson),但它也是许多其他成就的开端。毕竟,没有LHC,希格斯玻色子就不会被发现。它是世界上最大的粒子加速器,也是最大的器械,人类最先进的技术

With CERN’s most famous achievement being the discovery of the Higgs boson particle, it is also the home to many other accomplishments. Beyond all, without the LHC, there would have no discovery of the Higgs. It is the world’s largest particle accelerator and also the largest piece of machinery, mankind’s most advanced technology.

图为CMS(CERN探测器之一)监测到源于质子间碰撞的希格斯玻色子产生,其中黄色虚线和绿色粗线代表了碰撞后产生的两颗光子The Higgs Boson event detected in CERN's CMS experiment after collisions between protons, the yellow dashed lines and green towers represent the photons produced during the collision


The Higgs Boson event detected in CERN's CMS experiment after collisions between protons, the yellow dashed lines and green towers represent the photons produced during the collision


Apart from that, CERN have also brought life to the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, taken antimatter from theory to reality and about to create the first microscopic black hole.

图为万维网之父 Tim Berners-Lee 在 CERN工作时创建的第一批网站The WWW creator - Tim Berners-Lee and his first websites created while he was at CERN

图为万维网之父 Tim Berners-Lee 在 CERN工作时创建的第一批网站

The WWW creator - Tim Berners-Lee and his first websites created while he was at CERN


The King of Scientific Instruments


Although there is range of research going on, all experiments at CERN involved the acceleration of particles and collisions being them.


In the accelerators, particles are made to travel at near light speed to create collisions that would simulate conditions soon after the big bang, which provides insights on how particles interact and the fundamental laws of nature. The LHC being the world’s most powerful accelerator, is the one to give special attention to.

图为LHC中两个质子碰撞后的模拟图A simulation of a proton-proton collision in the LHC


A simulation of a proton-proton collision in the LHC


Only when the particles have sufficient amount of energy, the phenomenon of collision energy transform into new matter particles would happen, which existed most frequently in the early universe. This phenomenon is described by Einstein’s famous equation E=mc^2, according to which matter is a concentrated form of energy, and the two are interchangeable.


So, in order to detect those collisions and new particles, detectors are set up around points of collision are the different accelerators.


The bird's eye view of CERN in Geneva, red marker are the locations of the four main LHC experiments


The Close Relations


The A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (ATLAS) Experiment is one of the four largest and most famous experiments at the LHC. With its detector’s mass of 7000 tonnes 100m below ground, it is a general-purpose particle physics experiment, running together with the CMS experiment. *  

It has around 3000 scientists from 181 institutions around the world, representing 38 countries around the world. *

图为ATLAS探测仪在2005年的建造中期,图中的人物大小足以说明整个工程的宏大The ATLAS detector under construction in 2005, the size of the person in the pictures shows the extraordinary size of the project


The ATLAS detector under construction in 2005, the size of the person in the pictures shows the extraordinary size of the project


The main goals of the LHC are to help the complete the Standard Model of particle physics, which have been developing since early 1970s. The theory has predicted a wide range of phenomena and has so far been successful in explaining almost all particle physics experiments. *


At the center of the ATLAS detectorbeams of high energy particles in the LHC collide, producing new particles as debris, flying out in all directions. Their behaviours are then individually identified by the detector, which are used to study the particle properties and the collision itself.


Due to the enormous amount of data created in each collision, ATLAS uses a trigger system to filter out the events uninterested. The system is constantly being improved and updated by the trigger team to ensure maximum efficiency, with particular attention on the discovery of top pair quark productions, since ATLAS is known as the factory of top quarks and their behaviours is one of the key objectives of ATLAS. *

图为ATLAS探测仪的tt̄H(γγ)的可视化分析,其中绿色粗线代表了两个光子,而b喷流由黄色(蓝色)锥表示The visualisation of the tt̄H(γγ) event in ATLAS, the green towers represent the two photons, while the yellow (blue) cones are the b-jets


The visualisation of the tt̄H(γγ) event in ATLAS, the green towers represent the two photons, while the yellow (blue) cones are the b-jets


Though around one petabyte of data is gathered every day, new discoveries don’t come easy. After the running the LHC for 4 years, the newest subatomic particle was discovered by ATLAS – the Higgs Boson and finally announced in July 2012. Beyond completing the standard model, ATLAS now also have a range of ongoing experiments and developing theories. The research of violations in the charge-parity symmetry and details of top quark properties, for example, are the topics being actively experimented, while supersymmetry and microscopic black holes progress from theories to reality.

了解了CERN, ATLAS  LHC 的基本信息




With basic information about 

CERN, ATLAS and the LHC, 

next we'll explore 

the technologies and research 

behind these cutting-edge sciences!

图为2010年时ATLAS的全体科研人员All members of ATLAS in 2010


All members of ATLAS in 2010

图片来自 CERN, ATLAS, Physics World, Forbes 官网

文中除*部分英文信息应用于CERN, ATLAS 官网,


Pictures from official website of CERN, ATLAS, Physics World, Forbes.

The * parts of English information was cited from official websites of CERN, ATLAS,

the rest of the Chinese and English content is original


带你了解CERN 之 管道与圈圈 CERN · The Tubes and Rings


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