🎓星系成年礼🎓Becoming an Adult

最小的存在 —— 夸克轻子,到最大的结构 —— 星系团,宇宙中的一切都在不断地相遇和分开

From the smallest possible things - quarks and leptons to largest possible structures – galaxy clusters, everything is constantly meeting and dispersing.


Though the universe as a whole is constantly expanding, everything somehow still gathers together. By fate? By luck? Or just because we are too lonely?


So, at the top of the ‘gathering’ game would the galaxy clusters – largest gravity bound structures in the Universe.

图为哈勃望远镜拍到星空,左下角是一个遥远的漩涡星系,而它背后的则是一整个离我们更远的SDSS J0333+0651星系团An image from the Hubble Space Telescope, the bottom left shows a distant spiral galaxy, and its background shows an even more distant galaxy cluster, named SDSS J0333+0651

图为哈勃望远镜拍到星空,左下角是一个遥远的漩涡星系,而它背后的则是一整个离我们更远的SDSS J0333+0651星系团

An image from the Hubble Space Telescope, the bottom left shows a distant spiral galaxy, and its background shows an even more distant galaxy cluster, named SDSS J0333+0651


The Realistic Society


Clusters can contain anything from hundreds to thousands of galaxies, with the magic of gravity, and can reach to several megaparsecs (millions of light year) in size. Though they look pretty from far away, they are not gentle beasts. Not only contains extremely hot X-ray emitting plasmas, but they can also have gravitational tidal forces strong enough to tare apart galaxies.


Because of these tough environmentsgalaxies in the clusters and the one elsewhere (field galaxies) can have huge differences. The ones that have entered the cluster society are often elliptical galaxies that have low star formation rate and very low gas content.


Although we have known these morphology-density relations for decades, the cause of these patterns is still unclear


Therefore, a group of curious researchers from USA, Japan, Czech Republic and UK started their research on how galaxies evolves as they enter clusters, in particular focusing on a mechanism called ram-pressure stripping (more explanations can be found in attached article), which explains why galaxies go from gas-rich to gas poor as they enter the clusters.

图为一幅艺术插图,图中一个螺旋星系正穿过一个巨大的星系团,过程中明亮的气体被它所经过的星系团拖到了太空中,形成了条纹状An artist's illustration of a spiral galaxy moving through a massive cluster of galaxies and undergoing a process where streaks of bright gas are being dragged out into space by the cluster it is passing through


An artist's illustration of a spiral galaxy moving through a massive cluster of galaxies and undergoing a process where streaks of bright gas are being dragged out into space by the cluster it is passing through


Jellyfish Through Stars

W.J. Cramer领导的研究小组在研究中主要关注了一个“水母星系”——D100,一个彗发星系团附近的棒旋星系。他是星系中受到冲压力剥离影响的一个极端例子剥离的气体在星系后面留下了一条超长的尾巴,创造了一种独特的水母外观
The team lead by W.J. Cramer focused on a ‘jellyfish galaxy’ – D100, a barred spiral galaxy near the Coma Cluster. Here D100 represents an extreme example of ram-pressure stripping, where the stripped gas leaves a super long tail behind the galaxy, creating a unique jellyfish look.

图为星系与水母的形态对比图:左边为哈勃望远镜所拍到的合成图像,D100正在从左到右移动,身后留下了被遗弃的气体;右边是用来比较的水母图片The comparison between the galaxy and jellyfish: the left shows the composition image from HST, where D100 is moving from left to right leaving the gas behind as a tail; the right is an image of a jellyfish for comparison


The comparison between the galaxy and jellyfish: the left shows the composition image from HST, where D100 is moving from left to right leaving the gas behind as a tail; the right is an image of a jellyfish for comparison

使用了斯巴鲁望远镜(位于夏威夷的日本国家天文台)的数据,小组观察到D100 和他的尾巴都有Hα发射线,表明了活跃氢气的存在。根据2016年使用哈勃太空望远镜(HST)对D100的观测,可以看到尾部由于恒星稀少,看起来比母星系盘暗得多,但仍然有恒星形成的可能性。

Using the Subaru Telescope (the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Hawaii), Hα emission lines were observed in the tail, indicating the presence of exited hydrogen gas. Based on observation from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in 2016, it is also seen that due to lack of stars, they appear much fainter than the mother galaxy disc, however still possibilities of star formation.


Though Hα emission lines may not necessary have come from star formation, the HST observations showed multiple observation bands – F814W (red/near-IR wavelengths), F475W (blue) and F275W (near-UV), which would indicate different rates of star formation as well as their distribution if there are any.


After the team’s color analysis, the results show that star formation in the galaxy’s outskirt stopped much earlier in time than the inner sections, and it is still an ongoing process in the galaxy core. This means that the star-forming gas was removed from the galaxy outskirts first, stopping star formation outside-in.


Those gas left behind the main troops did not just disperse into space, in fact, they started to form stars by themselves. Using the HST observations again, 37 bright patches were found by the team, and analysis of their color showed that 10 of which are star forming clumps. The 27 are likely to be from background sources, such as distant galaxies.

图为D100星系周围的一张‘地图’,图中标记所有37个发光点,蓝色标记为恒星形成的团块,最右边的黑色斑块则是D100星系本身A map the area around D100, where all 37 bright sources are labeled. The blue labels are the 10 star forming clusters, while the right most black cluster is D100 itself


A map the area around D100, where all 37 bright sources are labeled. The blue labels are the 10 star forming clusters, while the right most black cluster is D100 itself


The Adult World


The main conclusion the analyses is that when field galaxies get attracted to join the galaxy clusters, they would often have to go through a stripping processleaving a trail of gas. Like when we enter the society, slowly leaving the childishness and naiveness behindbecoming the more composed self as we work towards the centre.


In these gases, new lives and potentials blossomStars form, distributed unevenly throughout the tail as clumps up to 100 parsecs (few hundreds light years) in size, which maybe become new galaxies eventually.

图为D100的HST图像,箭头指向的是一个恒星形成团块,它被包裹在一个黑暗的尘埃区域中也正在被剥离The HST image of D100. Arrow is pointing to a star-forming clump embedded in a dark region of dust that is also being stripped


The HST image of D100. Arrow is pointing to a star-forming clump embedded in a dark region of dust that is also being stripped


As mentioned earlier, detected Hα emission lines indicates star formation, however the brightness of the region is not high enough to explain the total amount seen. Therefore, there must also be other mechanisms responsible for this. The most likely being gas shocks from particle interactions or plasma instabilities, however, the precise mechanism overall is a unsolved mystery.


Even though it is now seen that ram-pressure stripping would affect the galaxy’s structure as it enters the cluster, it does not explain all the differences between galaxies in the different environments. For example, why spiral galaxies are rare in clusters?


The full theory for explaining the relations between galaxies and their environment is no doubt going to be a complex one, but who’s there to stop us keep exploring.






Ram-pressure stripping

alone may only play a small part in 

the overall development of the galaxy, 

each contribution is significant in 

completing the whole puzzle.

图为哈勃望远镜拍到恒星出生时的喷射景象。上图为HH 47, 左下为HH 34,右下为HH 2,它们也被称为赫比格—哈罗天体Images of stellar jets from HST showing the scenes of star birth. Top panel shows HH47, bottom left HH34 and bottom right HH2, they also called Herbig-Haro objects

图为哈勃望远镜拍到恒星出生时的喷射景象。上图为HH 47, 左下为HH 34,右下为HH 2,它们也被称为赫比格—哈罗天体

Images of stellar jets from HST showing the scenes of star birth. Top panel shows HH47, bottom left HH34 and bottom right HH2, they also called Herbig-Haro objects

天体图片来自 NASA, Hubble, ESA 官网以及以下论文

水母图片来自 Alexander Semenov

文中部分英文信息参考来自美国、日本、捷克和英国学者合作, 由 W.J. Cramer 带领的团队的 “Spectacular HST observations of the Coma galaxy D100 and star formation in its ram pressure stripped tail" 论文


Stellar images from official website of NASA, Hubble, ESA and the below article

Jellyfish image from Alexander Semenov

Parts are from “Spectacular HST observations of the Coma galaxy D100 and star formation in its ram pressure stripped tail" by the scientist team lead by W.J. Cramer from USA, Japan, Czech Republic and UK

The rest of the Chinese and English content is original


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