地球的未来是金星?Future of the Earth is Venus?

最近,我们的红色邻居 - 火星,可是个热门度假胜地啊!

Our red neighbour - Mars has been busy a holiday destination lately! 


With the United Arab Emirates’ Hopeentering Mars’ orbit on the 9th Feb, China’s Tianwen entering the orbit the day before Chinese New Year eve and America’s Perseverance rover joining later this week, scientists are all excited about exploring the potentials of the Red Planet.


All three missions were launched in July 2020, set out to find whether the planet was ever habitable or will be in the future. The timings of the arrivals are dependent on the Earth’s and Mar’s obits, since there is only a one-month time window every 26 months for Mars to be close to Earth.

但作为我们的另一个邻居 - 金星,它与地球的距离只有火星的2/3,为什么大家都更执着于更远的那颗呢?

But what about our other neighbouring planet - Venus, with about only 2/3 the distance away from Earth compared to Mars, why are we more interested in missions on the planet further away


Keeping in mind ‘peak shifting travel’ during the holidaysVenus is well worth seeing. Not only in a similar size to Earth and it is also made roughly with the same rock materials. What's more, Venus and Mars are currently the only Earth-like planets that humans have a chance of reaching. Other than them, the nearest 'Earth' is 12 light-years away

那今天我们就来看看《人类太空作死榜》第三位 – 金星吧!(Top 1 = 月球,Top 2 = 火星)

So today, let's take a look at the third place in the ‘Best Places to Visit in Space’ list-- Venus! (Top 1 = the Moon, Top 2 = the Mars)

图为中国‘天问一号’围绕火星的轨道示意图The planned track of China's 'Tienwen' around Mars


The planned track of China's 'Tienwen' around Mars


The Sauna Next Door


Venus now has a surface temperature of 470 Celsius due to its runaway greenhouse effect, hot enough to melt lead and an atmosphere 50 times denser than Earth, making it completely uninhabitable.


However, Venus being in similar size to Earth and made roughly with the same rock materials, could it have once upon a time been a planet, just like the one we are standing on? Potentially having an ocean rather than just bone-dry mountainsvalleys and a punishingly thick CO2 atmosphere? Could it be the future of Earth?


To answer these questions, another question has to be asked first: where did the water on Venus come from? And was there ever enough to form even lakes on the surface?

图为NASA的麦哲伦号飞船和先锋金星轨道器的火星数据合成图Images of the composition of data from NASA's Magellan spacecraft and Pioneer Venus Orbiters


Images of the composition of data from NASA's Magellan spacecraft and Pioneer Venus Orbiters


The Bubbling Ocean


Terrestrial planets start their lives as rubble piles flying around the star, first as collections of dust and rocks, and eventually forming into protoplanets until reaching their full size. Due to all the impacts and radioactive decay of the materialsheat would be produced, which melts and separated the planet into a dense core and a less dense rocky outer layer.


This bubbling rocky ocean not only release gases into the atmosphere as it cools, but also react with the oxygen and water vapour in the atmospheretrapping them in the minerals.

最后,行星的大气层是由火山爆发的和来自太空的水和挥发性气体重建的。而来自外太空的气体很大一部分可能来自星球形成初期陆续着落彗星陨石。对地球来说,它们的点睛之笔为我们来带了最终质量的0.5% - 1.5%。因此,行星科学的一个关键部分就是充分了解这些事件是何时发生的,以及它们是否从太阳系外为行星带来了额外的水

The planet’s final atmosphere is rebuilt by its volcanic eruptions and the water and volatile gases from space, which could be from arrival of comets or meteorites. For the Earth, they added the final 0.5–1.5 % of the planet’s final mass. Therefore, a key part in planetary science is to find out when those events took place and whether they brought extra water from outer Solar system.

图为欧洲航天局的'金星快车'在飞行操纵期间的可视化Visualisation of ESA’s Venus Express during the aerobraking manoeuvre


Visualisation of ESA’s Venus Express during the aerobraking manoeuvre


So recently, to answer these questions in the case of Venus, a group of European scientists used present day atmospheric measurements to test the effects of different late accretions, and through it investigated the long-term evolution of Venus’ atmosphere.


The team assumed initial condition of accretion-free Venus atmosphere to be dry and oxygen-free. This is because the planet is thought be very effective at removing oxygen and water from the atmosphere via chemical reactions when it was in the magma ocean.


Then, mathematical models were used to simulate the effect of fixed mass meteorites crashing onto the surface planet.  The team varied the types of meteorites (i.e. dry vs. wet rich) as well as the time of impact to see how those conditions would impact the water levels.

图为前苏联的'金星13号探测器'于1982年3月着陆时拍摄到了金星表面The surface of Venus captured from the former Soviet Union’s Venera 13 spacecraft, which touched down in March 1982


The surface of Venus captured from the former Soviet Union’s Venera 13 spacecraft, which touched down in March 1982


The Busy Water


Unfortunately, water does not get to stay as it is when it arrives on Venus. It first turns into water vapor and then split into hydrogen and oxygen by Sun’s UV radiation. Even though the Sun would have been less active back then a few billion years ago, the water would still be disintegrated. The particles would collide with the upper atmosphere - the exosphere; then potentially get removed from the planetary atmosphere by the solar wind.


Due to this effect, research on planetary evolution is made much more difficult. It is a multidisciplinary research field that requires an expertise in a wide range of subjects including statistical mechanics, fluid mechanics, plasma physics, collision theory, and surface science, adding uncertainties.


So, from these processes, the lighter hydrogen atoms would be boosted into the space againleaving their ex-partners - the oxygens back in the atmosphere.


However, from various mission to Venus, only little amounts of oxygen were detected in its atmosphere today. So, the team tried to predict how much oxygen could have left Venus over in the last 4.5 billion years, which is from when Venus ended its magma ocean stage to the present day


The modeling also took into account the possible changes of the Sun’s radiation, and the planet’s atmosphere pressure changes as its volcanos add carbon dioxide and nitrogen into atmosphere mixture.


The expected results would simply be the more oxygen Venus was able to lose, the more water it received from meteorites.

图为2006年5月16日,欧洲航天局“金星快车”上的可见光和红外热成像光谱仪(VIRTIS)获得了金星南半球的图像。夜侧半球(红色部分)是由1.74微米拍摄的红外图像组成,显示了行星表明45公里高度的云层下层。日面半球(蓝色部分)则是由480纳米的紫外线图像组成的,显示了大约65公里高度的云层顶部。The southern hemisphere of Venus as a mosaic of images obtained by the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on board ESA’s Venus Express on 16 May 2006. The night-side hemisphere (in red at the top) is made of infrared images taken at 1.74 μm, showing the lower layers of the cloud deck surrounding the planet at about 45-km altitude. The day-side (in blue at the bottom) is made of ultraviolet images taken at 480 nm, showing the cloud top layer at about 65-km altitude.


The southern hemisphere of Venus as a mosaic of images obtained by the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on board ESA’s Venus Express on 16 May 2006. The night-side hemisphere (in red at the top) is made of infrared images taken at 1.74 μm, showing the lower layers of the cloud deck surrounding the planet at about 45-km altitude. The day-side (in blue at the bottom) is made of ultraviolet images taken at 480 nm, showing the cloud top layer at about 65-km altitude.


About to Crack


Results from the modeling came as a surprise, Venus is actually quite bad at losing oxygen to space. It indicates that the meteorites arrived were either all 97.5% dry or all got there in first 2 years of Venus’ lifetime for the planet to have enough time to get rid of all the oxygen.


The absolute maximum amount of water lost by Venus over time is only 1/10 of water on Earth’s surface today. This means that Venus might have always been too dry to have Earth-like conditions, or even habitable at all.

图中显示了金星生命周期中可能增加到大气中的水量。黑色显示了由氧气流失到太空后剩下最多的水量。蓝色和紫色显示了金星大气中的水和氧气在被不同的陨石撞击后的变化。锯齿状的红色曲线显示了只有干陨石撞击金星的情况。Diagram shows the amount of water Venus could have had added to its atmosphere during its lifetime. The black shows the max amount of water that can be accounted for by loss of oxygen to space. The blue and purple  show what happens to the water and oxygen in Venus’ atmosphere after being hit by different meteorites. The jagged red curve shows the situation when only dry meteorites hit Venus.


Diagram shows the amount of water Venus could have had added to its atmosphere during its lifetime. The black shows the max amount of water that can be accounted for by loss of oxygen to space. The blue and purple  show what happens to the water and oxygen in Venus’ atmosphere after being hit by different meteorites. The jagged red curve shows the situation when only dry meteorites hit Venus.


But this data does not completely rule out the possibilities of life existence on Venus. Studies on Venus’ early climate suggest that habitable conditions might still have attainable even with the tiny amount of water available at the surface.


With that said, there are also other possible reasons for the disappearance of oxygen on Venus. One of them being turning iron into rust. Venus was absolutely covered in rich iron lava flows, which can easily react with and trap all the oxygen from water in the early times of Venus.


Proven that Venus was and will not be the best holiday destinationhopes lye on the new findings on Mars and that Earth will not turn into a Venus-like planet before we find our next home, which we are encouraging it now with all the pollutions.





During these long space adventures

the best support we can offer 

would be to keep our mother Earth 

as healthy as she can be!

图为太阳风暴袭击火星时从火星高层大气中剥离离子的艺术绘画Artist’s rendering of a solar storm hitting Mars and stripping ions from the planet's upper atmosphere.


Artist’s rendering of a solar storm hitting Mars and stripping ions from the planet's upper atmosphere.

天体图片来自 NASA, CGTN, ESA 官网以及以下论文

文中部分英文信息参考来自德国、比利时、法国和瑞士学者合作, 由 C. Gillmann 带领的团队的 “Dry Late Accretion inferred from Venus” coupled atmosphere and internal evolution" 论文


Stellar images from official website of NASA, CGTN, ESA and the below article

Parts are from “Dry Late Accretion inferred from Venus' coupled atmosphere and internal evolution" by the scientist team lead by C. Gillmann from Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland

The rest of the Chinese and English content is original


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