冲压力剥离 Ram Pressure Stripping


Ram-pressure is an effect we experience every day. It’s just the idea when an object moves through a medium, such as air, the faster the motion the more particles in that medium will hit the object. Like as we run faster, we would feel a stronger pressure on our face.


So, if ram-pressure applied to galaxies, it would cause a stripping effect. As a galaxy move through a medium, in this case the intra-cluster plasma, its loosely bounded gas would be fall behind due to the drag forces from the medium, often leaving a long tail behind.

图为星系与水母的形态对比图:左边为哈勃望远镜所拍到的合成图像,D100正在从左到右移动,身后留下了被遗弃的气体;右边是用来比较的水母图片The comparison between the galaxy and jellyfish: the left shows the composition image from HST, where D100 is moving from left to right leaving the gas behind as a tail; the right is an image of a jellyfish for comparison


The comparison between the galaxy and jellyfish: the left shows the composition image from HST, where D100 is moving from left to right leaving the gas behind as a tail; the right is an image of a jellyfish for comparison


Imagine pouring a bag of flour over someone's head and sticking it out of the window of moving car. (Demonstration purpose, DO NOT TRY!)

星系图片来自美国、日本、捷克和英国学者合作, 由 W.J. Cramer 带领的团队的 “Spectacular HST observations of the Coma galaxy D100 and star formation in its ram pressure stripped tail" 论文

水母图片来自 Alexander Semenov


Galaxy picture from “Spectacular HST observations of the Coma galaxy D100 and star formation in its ram pressure stripped tail" by the scientist team lead by W.J. Cramer from USA, Japan, Czech Republic and UK

Jellyfish image from Alexander Semenov

All Chinese and English contents are original


光球层 The Photosphere