光球层 The Photosphere
The photosphere is the visible ‘surface’ of the star.
Since stars are giant balls of plasma (electrified gas made of electrons and ions), they don’t not have a defined solid surface like the Earth.
As the fusion processes happen in the center core of the star, the light energy rays created slows diffuses outwards. On their ways, they would collide over and over with particles in the way, which slows down their travel and reduced their energy.
Finally, after millions of years (~1.2 million years for the Sun), the photons finally
reach the outer less dense level, where they will be able to escape freely into space.
所以,这就是我们看到恒星发光的“表面”—— 光球层的地方。
So, this is the level where we see the glowing ‘surface’ of the star – the photosphere.
The temperature of the photosphere varies with different sized stars at different stages of their lifetime.However, we know that the sun has a photosphere of ~5500 Celsius, which is much cooler than its core of 10 million degrees.
The temperature would vary at different areas due to the sunspots (indicators of disturbed magnetic fields), where temperatures can be as low as 3000-4500 degrees.
It also found the photosphere temperature of the Sun is surprisingly lower than the Sun’s atmosphere, which is the three-layered structure above the photosphere. There, the temperature can also reach up to a couple millions of Celsius.
The inner structure of the sun, the photosphere layer here is the outer think orange coloured section
图片NASA 官网
Pictures from official website of NASA
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