磁铁与冷却 Magnets and Cooling

Along the path of the accelerator complex, there are more than 50 types almost ten thousand magnets, the majority are ‘lattice magnets’ used around the accelerators.


In the LHC alone are more than sixteen hundred electromagnets. 1232 of which are 8.3 tesla 15m long dipoles for the bending, 392 5-7m long quadrupoles for focusing the beam and some sextupoleoctupole and even decapole magnets for corrections of small imperfections along the path. *

实验探测点(ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb),这里插入式磁铁接管。由3个四极磁铁组成的内三态系统会使光束变窄12.5倍——从0.2毫米16微米

At the points of the detectors (ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb), the insertions magnets take over. Three quadrupoles are used to create the inner triplet system to make the beams 12.5 times narrower – from 0.2mm to 16μm. *


These magnets also help after the collisions in the detectors to determine particle identities and clearing stray particles to prevent them from contacting LHC’s most sensitive components.

图为两段偶极磁铁组装链接之前的内部结构,所有蓝色管道内包含引导方向的电磁铁以及为他们降温的液态氦系统The inner structure of the dipole magnets. All the blue cylinders contain the electromagnets that guide the beams and the liquid helium system that cools them


The inner structure of the dipole magnets. All the blue cylinders contain the electromagnets that guide the beams and the liquid helium system that cools them


Cryogenics is the physics of production and effects of very low temperatures. The LHC, being one of the places with lowest temperature on Earth, is the largest cryogenic system in the world.


To keep 36,000 tonnes of magnets at 1.9K, which is even colder than outer space, the cryogenic system uses 40,000 leak-tight pipe seals40 MW of electricity and 120 tonnes of heliumHelium as a superfluid here, is tasked with covering all the magnets at extremely low temperatures, ensuring they can operate with minimal energy loss.


So that the protons can be kept on track, a current of 11,850 amps is required for the magnets to operate, * and the use of superconducting niobium-titanium has proven to be the best way of minimizing energy loss. 


Cryogenics technology is also involved in the detectors to keep heavy gases in liquid states, used in for example argon or krypton in the detection of particles in the calorimeters.


It is helium’s superfluid properties why it is used as a coolant here. Allow components to be kept cool over long distances, it becomes liquid at around 4.2K in atmosphere pressure and turns to superfluid with high thermal conductivity below 2.17K.

图为6号点的4.5 K 冰箱压缩机单元,提供了18千瓦的制冷量,整个冷却系统中有八个这样的装置The compressor unit of the 4.5 K refrigerator at Point 6. The unit provides 18 kW cooling capacity and there are eight of these units in the complete cooling system

图为6号点的4.5 K 冰箱压缩机单元,提供了18千瓦的制冷量,整个冷却系统中有八个这样的装置

The compressor unit of the 4.5 K refrigerator at Point 6. The unit provides 18 kW cooling capacity and there are eight of these units in the complete cooling system




It's these state-of-the-art technologies that 

make up the entire CERN experiment, 

and they're not to be underestimated

图为2020年6月CERN第二次大型维护时,在PS安装最新磁铁的场景The new PS septum magnet during installation in the injection line in June 2020 of CERN's Long Shutdown 2


The new PS septum magnet during installation in the injection line in June 2020 of CERN's Long Shutdown 2

图片和视频来自 CERN 官网



Pictures and video from official website of CERN.

The * parts of English information was cited from official websites of CERN,

the rest of the Chinese and English content is original


万里挑一:ATLAS的触发系统 One in a million: The ATLAS ‘Trigger’ System


第三类 Population III