万里挑一:ATLAS的触发系统 One in a million: The ATLAS ‘Trigger’ System


The LHC sees a proton-proton interaction rate of magnitude of a billion events per second, providing enough data for 100,000 compact discs. Only a small fraction of those interactions contains interesting properties, thus a tiered trigger system is implemented to pick out interesting events.


The first tier brings the interaction rate down by ten thousand times to 100KHz within a few milliseconds. The criteria for an event to be flagged is based off of basic electronics and is calibrated using discrete logic modules and custom integrated circuits.


second trigger is then implemented to reduce the rate by a further 1 hundred times, since each event contains tens of individual interactions. If the second trigger is set off, then that data proceeds for offline analysis.


From this at any given time the data required to be moved and analyzed is at a manageable amount. Due to technological advances the second trigger became easier to implement than originally thought, since all regions of interest in an event could run through a single processor rather than having individual processors for each region of interest.


After the second trigger events are escalated to the event filter, where only 400 events per second will proceed into raw storage and categorized as potentially interesting. An example would be Higgs decaying into two tau leptons. *


However, that’s not the end yet, the trigger analysis team further specify data that makes it through the event filter using cuts. Cuts are a signal to background percentages to remove any unwanted noise from a signal to create a clearer data plot.

图为ATLAS中每个碰撞中每一喷流中特定衰减模式的数目The number of particular decay modes in each event per number of jets


The number of particular decay modes in each event per number of jets

最后,从ATLAS探测器收集的数据会被分为开放数据内部数据。开放数据会对大众开放,其中包括不同的最新希格斯粒子衰变成WW, Z玻色子和夸克的模型。

Data collected from ATLAS detector is split into open and closed data. Open data, which is open to the public, includes different decay modes of the Higgs particle into WW, Z bosons and top quarks.


Although data quantity is reduced through trigger levels the ATLAS detector still gathers 1 petabyte of data every day. Long term storage is kept on magnetic tapes whereas medium term data is continually moved onto newer technology such as high-density tapes.

为了每天庞大的数据数量,CERN开发了自己的软件存储方案EOS,以满足ATLAS实验的数据存储需求。当然,EOS现在也被应用到了粒子物理学以外的其他领域,比如澳大利亚学术和研究网络(Australian Academic and Research Network),或其他大数据系统

CERN developed their own software storage solution known as EOS, in order to keep up with the data storage demand of the ATLAS experiment. However, EOS is now being used beyond particle physics, as other big data systems such as the Australian Academic and Research Network require CERN’s technology.





As founders of the World Wide Web, 

CERN's has always been at 

the forefront of computing technology. 

Hope there will be more applications of EOS 

in the era of big data and 

new developments in future experiments!

图为CERN 的计算机中心,有超大的数据储存能量Inside CERN's computer centre with very high capacity of data storage

图为CERN 的计算机中心,有超大的数据储存能量

Inside CERN's computer centre with very high capacity of data storage

图片和视频来自 ATLAS, CERN, IOP, Research Gate官网

文中除*部分英文信息应用于ATLAS, CERN, IOP官网,


Pictures and video from official website of ATLAS, CERN, IOP, Research Gate.

The * parts of English information was cited from official websites of ATLAS, CERN, IOP,

the rest of the Chinese and English content is original 


光球层 The Photosphere


磁铁与冷却 Magnets and Cooling