🚗太阳‘小区‘的到访者🏡Visitors of the Solar Residency
Recently our little Solar community has been a popular place with space ‘travellers’ coming to visit every so often.
四年前,天文学家们第一次在太阳系中发现了个从未见过的东西——来自另一个星系的访客!由于当时是被夏威夷天文台第一个发现的,这颗星际天体(ISO)被命名为了 ʻOumuamua - 夏威夷语中的“第一个远方的信使”。两年后,天文学家们又发现了另一颗,这次是一颗彗星,后被命名为Borisov。
Four years ago, astronomers discovered something in the Solar system that has never been seen before – a visitor from another solar systems! Having been discovered by observatories in Hawai’i, the interstellar object (ISO) was given the name ʻOumuamua - “the first distant messenger” in Hawaiian language. Two years later, another one was seen, this time a cometary, called Borisov.
图为ʻOumuamua 的一个艺术效果图
An artist impression of 'Oumuamua
Though we knew the exitance of these creatures before, why were they only recently observed? Where have they come from? How often are we expecting to see them?
Today, let us follow the path of a group of astronomers from the US and across Europe, to find out how popular our Solar system is for those space travellers.
Satisfying the Curiosities
Our curiosity of those foreigners can be summed up with just one property of them: the differential arrival rate (Γ), which simply means the number of objects that will pass within a certain area of the Sun every year. Γ, as a function, would include all the facts on the visitor’s velocity and perihelion (distance of closest approach to the Sun) .
1. 每单位体积有多少个ISO - 数量密度
2. 在一定体积内能观察到的某一类型ISO的速率 - 容积采样率
3. ISO具有一定速度的概率 - 概率分布函数
However, the modelling of Γ would requires the knowledge of the three factors:
1. How many ISOs there are per unit volume - number density
2. The rate that a given volume sees ISOs of a certain type - volume sampling rate
3. The probability of an ISO having a certain velocity - probability distribution function
A time-lapse sequence compressing Hubble Space Telescope observations of Borisov, spanning a seven-hour period. The comet was moving along at a breakneck speed of 180,000 km/hour at the time.
How Many of You?
首先,了解物种的总数是很关键的一步,然后我们才能计算出它们中有多少会选择来拜访我们。这里,研究小组引用了之前的数据,用 ʻOumuamua的发现作为一定体积内ISO的数量上限。
Firstly, it is key to know these creatures’ population, and then we can find out how many of them would choose to come and visit us. Here, the research team referred to previous data, there astronomers used the discovery of ʻOumuamua as a limit the number of ISOs within a given volume.
最初,在2017年,这一估计是根据PanSTARRS天文台每年观测到的总体积除以探测率得出的。但随着时间的推移,现在的天文台观测的质量也得到了提高,研究小组在这里就使用了原始数据的一半探测率 (之前观察到的ISO数量的一半)。
Originally, in 2017, the estimate was from dividing the detection rate by volume PanSTARRS observatory sees every year. Now that more time has passed and the quality of the observatory has improved, the team assumed the detection rate here to be only half of the original data (i.e. ½ as many ISOs per volume as predicted previously).
Coming Often?
Though it sounds easy, as we just need to count the objects passing by in a set area in space, it is actually more difficult to practice in reality. Since the Sun is a lot more massive than the ISOs passing by, we would have to take into account for ‘gravitational focusing’, which is the effect of the Sun’s gravity on the ISOs’ trajectories.
The slower the objects move, the stronger the ‘focusing’ is, hence higher sampling rate for those objects. However, having said that, the calculation here would only need the assumption of a typical perihelion, hence some details in the calculations can be ignored.
Who’s Faster?
Out of all three ingredients, the probability distribution is the most difficult to get, since there were only ever two ISOs observed and they are substantially different. It would be impossible to determine a distribution with two samples. So, it’s time we ask the stars for some help.
Assuming the velocity distribution of ISOs here, in the Solar system, is similar to what it was like back around their hometown stars, most of the ISOs are seen to have a relatively low ejection velocity, with some extreme cases of objects having super high from the star’s kicks. We just need to find out the three-dimensional motion of a representative sample from a star nearby.
正好,欧洲航天局于2013年发射的盖亚飞船已经收集了数百万颗恒星的精确运动数据,其中可供我们挑选的有几十万个样本,都在距离太阳的100parsec (~3千万亿公里)以内。经过选拔,研究小组最终挑选了附近的70000多颗恒星作为我们的ISO速度分布样本。
Lucky, the Gaia spacecraft, launched in 2013 by the ESA, has collected precise motion data from millions of stars, we are able to choose from several hundred thousand samples all within 100 parsec (~3 quadrillion km) from the Sun. After some mass-audition, the team picked out >70000 nearby stars as the samples for our ISO velocity distribution.
After modeling with the 70000+ samples, distribution shows that the majority of ISOs entering the Solar system would have a velocity < 60km/s. Unsurprisingly, both ʻOumumua and Borisov had a velocity near the average velocity when coming to us. Again, showing how common our Solar community is in the universe, just another average star with its average planets.
Crystalizing the Curiosities
Now the necessary ingredients for the calculation of Γ all gathered, the team had a final step to finding the number of ISOs expected to pass through the Solar system each year. That is summing up all possible velocities with different arrival rates.
Final results show that on average, 6.9 ISOs should pass within 1AU of the Solar system each year. The 92% of these travellers having velocities <100km/s, the most popular velocity is ~38km/s.
图为经过太阳1AU范围内的ISO的数量和速度的关系,显示了大多数ISO会以低于60km /s的速度进入太阳系
The number of ISOs that pass within 1AU of the Sun as a function of their velocity, showing that the majority of ISOs will enter the solar system with velocities < 60 km/s
All Over the Galaxy
Additionally, the team analyzed the probable origins of the ISOs with different velocities in the Milky Way. Result show that, depending on the location of the star in the galaxy, objects around it would have different velocities relative to the Sun. Divided into five types, ISOs have decreasing likeliness of appearing with increasing type numbers (as shown in the table below).
According to the type of interstellar object, this table summarises the velocity range, arrival rate and fraction of the total population of detectable ISOs
In the thin disk of Milky Way, which is the most outer areas of the galaxy, the stars there are likely to have smaller velocities relative to us, home to type 1 ISOs. Moving inwards, within the thick disk, stars have orbits that are more inclined and eccentric and also moving faster, providing ultimate nest for type 2 ISOs.
In the most central part of the galaxy, the Halo, is mostly the debris from past accretion events. Being the place where type 3 ISOs are born, stars there have even more disturbed and faster orbits. However, that’s not it, the fastest stars providing type 4 ISOs are actually the ones that are not bound to our galaxy.
Finally, on the other side of the spectrum, type 5 ISOs are the slowest in their velocity relative to the Sun. With only 0.2% likeliness of these creatures appearing, they technically do not belong to the Solar system, but were likely be nudged here from the Oort Clouds by our gravitational attractions.
Unlike other structures that lie almost flat with the Solar system, the Oort Cloud is believed to be a giant spherical thick wall of icy space debris pieces surrounding the rest of the solar system. With some of the objects the sizes of mountains or even larger, it is predicted to contain billions, or even trillions, of objects.
A simulation of the possible look of the Oort Cloud. Due to the small sizes of the comets, there is no direct evidence of showing the existence of it and its distance from us, how every it is likely to be a similar system to the Huiper Belt, but much further away. The box shows how small out Solar system is compared to the Oort Cloud
Who’s Next?
When it comes to the studies of ISOs, there are just so many possibilities, making it a field full of surprises. The lack of discoveries before might just have been the objects moving too fast or too far or at the wrong time for us to see.
Today’s study not only taught us
the frequency we should expect a visitor
but also where they might be traveling from.
With so much on offer today,
we have reason to suspect such an event may
take place in our own lifetimes soon!
Comet Lovejoy taken on Nov. 19, 2013, though barely visible to the unaided eye in the constellation of Ursa Major, it still really stands out in a good pair of binoculars.
图片来自 NASA 官网以及以下文章
文中部分英文信息参考来自 T. M. Eubanks, A. M. Hein, M. Lingam, A. Hibberd, D. Fries, N. Perakis, R. Kennedy, W. P. Blase Jean Schneider 的 ‘KE_5.eps Interstellar Objects in the Solar System: 1. Isotropic Kinematics from the Gaia Early Data Release 3' 文章
Images from official website of Forbs, ITIF, Bloomberg, Wikipedia and the below articles
Parts are sited from ‘KE_5.eps Interstellar Objects in the Solar System: 1. Isotropic Kinematics from the Gaia Early Data Release 3' from T. M. Eubanks, A. M. Hein, M. Lingam, A. Hibberd, D. Fries, N. Perakis, R. Kennedy, W. P. Blase Jean Schneider
The rest of the Chinese and English content are original