量子位黑马 Dark Horse of Qubits
近几年,量子计算绝对是一个热门的研究领域。但正当所有科技巨头都在争夺创造宇宙最快计算机机会的时候,一个鲜为人知的公司 —— PsiQuantum已经在他们的C轮融资中获得1.5亿美元,并宣称他们能够在仅仅 5 年内作出许多量子专家预计需要 7 - 10 年或更多的成果。
Quantum computing has been a popular research field in recent years. While all the tech giants are competing for the fastest computer in the universe, a little-known company – PsiQuantum, has gathered $150 million in their Series C funding, and claims they will be able to do things in 5 years, for what many quantum experts predicted will take 7-10 years or more.
So, what is it this potential dark horse has but no other does? Well, we will have to start with the mystical light particles – photons.
The interior of IBM's Quantum Computer
Particle of Hope
Ever since the early 19th century, scientist have been studying the delicate relationships between light and electrons. However, it was not until 1900, during the study of black body radiation, Max Planck suggested that the energy carried by electromagnetic waves could only be released in packets of energy, which in 1905, Einstein named as photons.
在他的论文中,爱因斯坦提出:频率为𝜔的光其实是一束光量子,每个光量子都具有𝐸= ħ𝜔能量。(他后来也因此在1921年被授予诺贝尔奖,不是𝐸=𝑚𝑐^2哦)。
In his paper, Einstein proposed that light of frequency 𝜔 is a stream of light quanta, each with energy 𝐸 = ħ𝜔. (He is later awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 for this, not 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐^2.)
However, way before all these discoveries, light, or more precisely, electromagnetic radiations are proven to be waves, and as say above, they have different frequencies. So, does this mean they got it wrong back then?
Well, the difference between waves and particles is that waves are not necessarily localized in space, and so can undergo interference, whereas particles can’t. During the double slit experiment, results show that light was interfered while still appearing as localized particles. So light is both particle and wave?
The truth may not be so simple! While better understanding of this behavior is still undergoing investigation, for now, it is best to understand light as neither waves nor particles, but something that behave a bit like both!
The wave (blue) and wave-particle (red) showing their patterns on the screen after interference from the double slit experiment over time: wave shows the constructive and destructive interference patterns, while the photons show both the similar interference patterns to the wave and their particle properties
Reality or a Dream?
Have I just made the meaning of photons more confusing? Not to worry. For us amateurs, we probably just want to know how those discovers can make our lives better.
回到我们之前提到的‘科幻’公司,PsiQuantum正是利用光子是粒子这个理论来执行量子计算的人- 硅光子。在传统计算机中,1和0的产生来自磁位,然后进行计算,量子计算机使用了各种其他技术来制造被称为量子位的‘磁位’,而正是这些量子位的叠加和纠缠使得信息处理的速度变得更快。
Going back to our almost science fictional company, PsiQuantum are the exact people using the fact that photons are particles – silicon photonics, to perform quantum calculations. While classical computers use magnetic bits to create the ones and zeros for computation, quantum computers use a variety of other technologies to make quantum bits called qubits. It is the superposition and entanglement of qubits that allows information processing to be so much faster.
PsiQuantum's goal is to build a quantum computer with a million qubits, and in the qubit world, that is an astronomical number. For perspective, today's biggest and best quantum computers have less than 100 qubits. Google’s recent historic achievement of quantum supremacy performance on a difficult computational task in a few seconds only took a mere 54 qubits. That would have taken a classical computer thousands of years to complete.
The comparison between classical bit (left) and qunit (rightist ). In quantum computing, the basic unit of information is a qubit, which can effectively be a one and a zero or something inbetween simultaneously.
So Cold, but Worth It
超导量子位是目前最流行的量子计算技术之一,是谷歌、英特尔、IBM和Rigetti所有量子发展的基础。这些设备基本上是在芯片上制造的小线圈,从而在芯片上复制了经典计算机中的线圈。然后当温度降到几乎绝对零度时(-270 °c左右),量子效应就产生了。
Superconducting qubits is most popular quantum computing technology used at the moment and is the foundation to all those developments with Google, Intel, IBM, and Rigetti. The devices are basically small coils fabricated on chips that replicating those in the classical computers. The quantum effect comes in when the temperature is brought down to almost absolute zero (around -270 °c).
The coils in those conditions become superconductors, basically means resistance free for the currents flowing. Their clockwise and anti-clockwise flow will represent a one or a zero or a superposition of everything between one and zero.
Although current technology is able to manufacture these devices with chip fabrication techniques and is most commonly used one, there are a still few weaknesses to this method. First of all, the system losses its quantum state very quickly, meaning that there is a limitation on the number of steps requires to solve the problem.
Secondary, the qubits are only able to connect to their nearest qubit, therefore several connections would have to be made to reach a slightly more distant qubit. By using these ‘steppingstones’, there will be an increase in time of calculation hence limiting the complexity of the questions.
The Optical and SEM images of a transmon qubit, which is a type of superconducting charge qubit designed to have reduced sensitivity to charge noise
The Trapped Ones
The new one is not always the best. The technology of trapped ion qubits has begun since early 1990s. While Honeywell and IonQ are both loyal fans of what has become a more commercial large-scale quantum technology, atomic clocks also use trapped ion technology.
For Honeywell and IonQ, their qubits both use the isotopes of the rare-earth metal called ytterbium, though other charged atomic particles can also be used. Precise lasers are applied to the outer electrons of the ytterbium atom and removes them, which turns the materials into ions. Lasers are then used as tweezers to move the ions around until all particles are in position. Once there, oscillating voltages fields would be used to keep ‘trapped’. The qubits would be stored in these stable electronic state ions, while quantum information can be transferred via the collective quantized motion of the ions.
Compared to superconducting qubits, ion here are able to maintain their quantum state for a lot longer. The longer the quantum state maintained, the more complexed computation the system is able to perform. So just a few days ago, Honeywell claims that they have set new record for quantum computing performance, with System Model H1 becoming the first commercial system to achieve a quantum volume (a metric measurement of the capabilities and error rates of a quantum computer) of 512 benchmarks.
A string of 14 trapped and entangled ions
Try Another Way
Instead of coils and ions, PsiQuantum’s plan is to polarize single light particles. By polarizing photons vertically, they will be able to represent one, polarizing horizontally will make zeros, while diagonally polarized photons will represent a superposition of both one and zero.
Normally light in our daily life oscillate in all directions perpendicular to the direction of motion. When polarization is applied to transverse waves, it stops specific waves in some orientations, making the wave only oscillating in one or a few orientations.
这项量子技术的秘密来始于2009年PsiQuantum创始人Jeremy O'Brien的一篇研究论文。他相信,凭借“高速传输和光子出色的低噪声特性”,光子必将在量子计算领域扮演核心角色。
The secret to this technology came from a research paper in 2009 by the founder of PsiQuantum, Jeremy O’Brien. He believes with the ‘high-speed transmission and outstanding low-noise properties of photons’ the are bound to take on this central role of quantum computing.
使用光子来做量子位元的一个显著优势是,它们能够在其量子状态中停留相当长的时间。Lyman-alpha blob (LAB)就是一个很好的例子,它是一个会发射出了Lyman-alpha发射线的高浓度巨型气体,距离我们有115亿光年。经历了这么长时间的旅行,从那里来的光子到达地球时仍然保持着它们最初的极化状态。
A significant advantage of using photons for qubits is that they are able to stay in their quantum state for incredibly long. A good example is the Lyman-alpha blob (LAB), which is a huge concentration of a gas ~11.5 billion light years away, emitting the Lyman-alpha emission line. Having travelled for so long, photons from there still arrive on Earth with their original polarized states.
左图为在115亿光年之外的Lyman-alpha blob的光学图像,其中的黄色代表发光氢气。右图为是一个根据红外线数据的艺术创作,是在Lyman-alpha blob附近可能看到景象,如果看得比较近,其中白色为气团中的星系。
The left shows the Lyman-alpha optical image 11.5 billion light-years away, with yellow parts as glowing hydrogen gas in the blob. On the right is an artist's impression of what it might look like if viewed relatively close, a galaxy in the blob is shown as white.
The photon qubits will be very small. Having a wavelength of a few micrometres, it can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. The small wavelength would allow for better precision in the calculations, but it also makes it harder to control. Just imagen trying to manipulate something the size of a virus traveling at 300 million meters per second.
Unlike the superconducting coils and the stationary ions, photons will always be moving as the fastest thing in the universe. It will be a challenge trying to juggle a million of those at a time, let alone reading, controlling and manipulating them as well.
Another big issue for PsiQuantum as the rest of the qubit world is error correction. However, according to PsiQuantum, they will be putting a significant amount of effort one this. Therefore, it is likely that a large proportion of their million qubits will be devoted to error monitoring and correcting. For today’s qubit technology, thousands of error correcting qubits are required for every computation qubit.
So, this new silicon photonics technology does sound promising, but with many challenges ahead, we will see how it actually turns out in 5 years. Bearing in mind, Microsoft has already backed them up as a strategic investor.
Even if PsiQuantum ended up with
a thousand error corrected qubits,
they will have created
a world changing historical moment.
Making thousands of breakthroughs in
fundamental science, medicine and many other fields.
图为在PsiQuantum的帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)实验室,正在进行研究的硅片
A PsiQuantum silicon wafer at the company’s lab in Palo Alto during research
图片来自 Forbs, ITIF, Bloomberg, Wikipedia官网以及以下文章
文中部分英文信息参考来自 Paul Smith-Goodson 在福布斯的 ‘Quantum Computing With Particles Of Light: A $215 Million Gamble‘ 文章
Images from official website of Forbs, ITIF, Bloomberg, Wikipedia and the below articles
Parts are sited from ‘Quantum Computing With Particles Of Light: A $215 Million Gamble‘ from Paul Smith-Goodson
The rest of the Chinese and English content are original