有钱的三小只 The Three Rich Ones

对很多人来说,那些金属基本知识的记忆可能还停留在那些高中教室中吧。室温下的它们大多是固体的,表明都是有光泽的 …… 

For many people, those definitions of metals are probably left behind at those high school classrooms, where we were told they are mostly solid under room temperature, they are all shiny, they are…



However, unlike chemists, for astrophysicistsall elements heavier than hydrogen and helium are called metals. So, did you know? The most abundant ‘metals’in our universe are oxygen and carbon!


However today we will be talking about actual metals. The heavy ones!

图为约1500光年外的梅西耶42(猎户座星云),是离地球最近的大型恒星形成区域,也是外太空最早发现氧分子(O2)的地方之一The Messier 42(Orion Nebula), about 1,500 light-years away, is the closest large star-forming region to Earth. One of the first places in outer space where molecular oxygen (O2) were discovered


The Messier 42(Orion Nebula), about 1,500 light-years away, is the closest large star-forming region to Earth. One of the first places in outer space where molecular oxygen (O2) were discovered


Birth of the Lucky Ones


While many elements would only start to be formed either at the end of a star’s lifetime during their core-collapse supernova or at the death of a white dwarf as a thermonuclear supernova, however some lucky ones are able to get the chance of exploring the universe earlier. They got to be sent here through a different pipeline!


For elements, those priority channels include the s-process and r-process, referring to slow and rapid neutron capture processes respectively. The capture of neutrons on light nuclei will produce neutron-rich nuclei, but which element exactly produced would depend on the speed of the process. They are the journeys of single particles and added up to become an overall effect on the life of a star.


The s-process occurs in stars, particularly Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars, at the very end of low mass stars’ lives. One the other hand, r-processrequires a lot more neutrons in a short period for the processes to happen, hence a harsher condition, and there are two potential ways: binary neutron star mergers and exotic supernovae.

图为两颗中子星碰撞的瞬间艺术创作An artist conception of the moment two neutron stars collide


An artist conception of the moment two neutron stars collide


Home of the Immigrants


Until today, the origin of heavy metal elements in the universe is still a relatively unknown area. Researchers have been studying them primarily by using the spectra of stars and finding the abundance of each material.


Recently, studies of r-process stars have suggested that many of the heavy metal stars in our galaxy might have come from our neighbouring dwarf galaxies, immigrants to our Milky Way

为了对r过程有更深入的了解,德国丹麦的一组天体物理学家开始了他们对隔壁矮球星系 - 天炉星系(Fornax)的研究。它是本星系群中最大的矮星系之一,有着独特的恒星形成历史,恒星形成仅在大约4十亿之前突然增加

In order to have a deeper understanding of the r-process, a group of astrophysicists in Germany and Denmark stared their research on the dwarf spherical galaxy (dSph) – Fornax, next door. Being one of the largest of its kind in the Local Group, it has a unique star formation history with a sudden increase of star formation only ∼ 4 Gyr ago.

图为天炉矮星系(又名MCG-06-07-001, PCG10093),是一个椭圆形的老恒星群The Fornax Dwarf galaxy (aka MCG-06-07-001, PCG10093) an ellipsoidally shaped swarm of old stars

图为天炉矮星系(又名MCG-06-07-001, PCG10093),是一个椭圆形的老恒星群

The Fornax Dwarf galaxy (aka MCG-06-07-001, PCG10093) an ellipsoidally shaped swarm of old stars


Who Has the Most Metals?


During the study of Fornax’s stellar population, the team found three very unique stars containing significantly more r-processed elements than the rest of the population. In particular, the abundance of the rare element europium (Eu) was almost ten times more compared to the others in Fornax. They are the highest Eu abundance ever observed, here they will be call Eu-stars.

图为样本恒星的坐标,大椭圆为标称潮汐半径,小虚线椭圆为核心半径。黑色十字为星系的中心,绿色的十字为天炉星系的球状星团,以及那三颗特殊的恒星分别为橙色菱形、圆圈和方形The coordinates of sample stars, the large oval shows the nominal tidal radius and the small dashed oval the core radius. Cyan crosses indicate the globular clusters of Fornax and the three special stars as orange diamond, a circle and a square


The coordinates of sample stars, the large oval shows the nominal tidal radius and the small dashed oval the core radius. Cyan crosses indicate the globular clusters of Fornax and the three special stars as orange diamond, a circle and a square

虽然r过程恒星和普通恒星的金属值 (铁/氢比值)与铕丰度之间普遍存在一个趋势,但这里,r过程对那些恒星的铕含量的增强明显高于了,在其他金属控制在一定范围内的,平均值。

Although generally there is a trend between the metallicity (Fe/H ratio) and the abundance of Eu for both r-process enhanced stars and those normal ones, the enhancement here refers to having the amount of Eu significantly above the average with given metallicity.


To find why those three might possess so much Eu, the team compared the alpha abundance (elements created in massive stars from fusion, e.g. Mg) of the Eu-stars and normal stars. This test will tell if the Eu came from fusion processes of the star itself or not, surprisingly results show that the Eu-stars are not alpha process enhanced.


Therefore, the Eu in those r-process stars either came from a neutron star merger (due to the lack of helium in these systems) or a supernova created this but didn’t leave a signature on the alpha elements except for the extra Eu in those three stars.

上图:与恒星金属丰度相比的绝对铕丰度,下图:与恒星金属丰度相比的铕丰度(相对于铁丰度)。灰色点是银河系的恒星,绿色的是天炉星系的恒星。Top panel: Absolute Eu abundances as compared to the stellar metallicity. Bottom panel: Eu abundances (relative to the iron abundance) as compared to the stellar metallicity. The gray points are Milky Way stars and the green stars are Fornax stars.


Top panel: Absolute Eu abundances as compared to the stellar metallicity. Bottom panel: Eu abundances (relative to the iron abundance) as compared to the stellar metallicity. The gray points are Milky Way stars and the green stars are Fornax stars.


What Happened to Them?


Neutron capture elements like Eu can be produced with both the s-process and r-process. So why are those three stars defined to be r-processed? 

Well, the barium to europium ratio ([Ba/Eu]) can be used to test it.

r过程占主导地位时,钡铕比值会较低,反之,s过程占主导地位时比值便会较高。因此,当铕恒星的钡铕比值已经低于-0.7 dex时,它们被证明是纯r过程而来的。另一方面,天炉星系中其余成员们都被认为是 r过程和s过程中子捕获的组合而来的。

When the r-process is dominant, radio would be low, conversely, the ratio would be high if s-process is dominant. Therefore, with radio below -0.7 dex for the Eu-stars, they are proven to be pure r-processed. On the other hand, the rest of the population in Fornax are seen to be from a combination of r-process and s-process neutron captures.


But why are those three so specialWhat did they go through to end up like this?


To find out, the team calculated the number of r-process events necessary to enrich the stars with Eu. They find that a single r-process event would require around ten-thousandth to a thousandth solar mass of Eu, but only a single event is needed to make those three stars special. Any more of the Eu r-process will lead to large spreads of r-process to stars in Fornax.

图为由r过程事件产生的恒星的铕绝对丰度,与受r过程影响的总气体质量关系。阴影部分代表产生的铕质量,黑色和红色线分别表示中子星合并和超新星的理论预测。黄色方框区域代表与本研究中的铕恒心相对应的近似区域Absolute Eu abundance of stars created from an r-process events as compared to the total gas mass affected by the r-process event. The shading represents the Eu mass created, the black and red lines indicating theoretical predictions for neutron star mergers and supernovae respectively, and yellow box the approximate region corresponding to the Eu-stars in this study.


Absolute Eu abundance of stars created from an r-process events as compared to the total gas mass affected by the r-process event. The shading represents the Eu mass created, the black and red lines indicating theoretical predictions for neutron star mergers and supernovae respectively, and yellow box the approximate region corresponding to the Eu-stars in this study.


Still Blurry


So now the only question is what triggered the first but also last r-process? It would either a neutron star merger or a supernova.


Unfortunately, due to the uncertainties of the theoretical modeling of these events, the team wasn’t able to definitively state which one is responsible for the Eu-stars, leaving us more mysteries to resolve.


This deep look Fornax has provided a large step forward in our understanding of neutron capture processes and heavy metal 'casting'. Though we are still unable to pinpoint the exact physical event creating the excess neutron capture material due to the absence of detailed data, it was confirmed that the Eu-stars originating from the r-process event.






As always, in astrophysics

with continuing discoveries 

and studies of more things out there

one day we will find the true origin 

of all those bright and beautiful.

图为NASA拍到的Menagerie超新星遗迹,也被称为N 63A。是一颗大质量恒星爆炸后,其气态层喷射到已经很混杂的区域的残骸The Supernova Remnant Menagerie, aka N 63A. It is the remains of a massive star that exploded, spewing its gaseous layers out into an already turbulent region

图为NASA拍到的Menagerie超新星遗迹,也被称为N 63A。是一颗大质量恒星爆炸后,其气态层喷射到已经很混杂的区域的残骸

The Supernova Remnant Menagerie, aka N 63A. It is the remains of a massive star that exploded, spewing its gaseous layers out into an already turbulent region

图片和视频来自 NASA, LIGO, Cosmicphotos官网以及以下论文

文中部分英文信息参考来自 M.Reichert, C.J.Hansen 和 A.Arcones 的 ‘Extreme r-process enhanced stars at high metallicity in Fornax‘ 论文


Images from official website of NASA, LIGO, Cosmicphotos and the below articles

Parts are sited from ‘Extreme r-process enhanced stars at high metallicity in Fornax‘ from M.Reichert, C.J.Hansen and A.Arcones

The rest of the Chinese and English content are original


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