月亮的月亮是月亮宝宝?🌛 The Moon’s Moon is a Moon?

月亮 -- 一个挂在夜空中独一无二的存在围绕着地球承载着故事

The Moon  - the one and onlyorbiting the Earth and carrying the tales

但其实天然卫星是一种很常见的物种,太阳系中就有超过200个,而且仍在增加。然而,尽管经过了几个世纪的观察,我们还没有发现月亮有自己的月亮 – 亚月球

With more than 200 of them and still accounting, natural satellites are actually common species in the Solar System. However, despite centuries of observation, no moons have yet to be found with them own moon.


So, is sub-moon even a possible option?

图来自NASA的火星及其两个卫星被调色后的照片Colour altered image of Mars and its two moons from NASA


Colour altered image of Mars and its two moons from NASA


The Interstellar Jurisdictions


The most important condition to consider is its distance to its host, so the distance between the moon and Earth, or in this case, the sub-moon to the moon. They have got to be within the delicate region, between host’s Hill sphere and Roche limit, which is a range of radii in space around the celestial body.


The Hill sphere acts as the outer most limit. When within the Hill sphere, the gravitational force on the satellite is dominantly from the host. The outer shell beyond the Hill sphere is called a zero-velocity surface, after which, the orbiting object is very likely to be flung into space rather than being constrained by the host.


In terms of the Sun-Earth-Moon relationships, the Moon is within the Earth’s Hill sphere and therefore controlled by our gravitational pull. Otherwise, it would have been under Sun’s gravitational pull and who know where it might end up.


The Roche limit on the other side, is the minimal distance that needed between the two objects. Being too close would lead to the end of the moon’s lifetime, as it gets torn apart by the host’s tidal forces. The tidal forces are the results when the gravitational pull on the near side of the object is much stronger than the far side.


So, if approached further, the satellite’s internal gravity would no longer be able to withstand the stronger outer pulls. Rings around Saturn are every likely to have been formed like this.

图为月球与地球的距离和它适合的区域,红线代表希尔球,蓝线代表洛希极限The Moon within the red Hill sphere of Earth and outside of the blue Roche limit


The Moon within the red Hill sphere of Earth and outside of the blue Roche limit


Distance Creates Beauty


Since larger objects are more likely to have gravitational influences over large distances, they also have larger Hill spheres, therefore larger range of space to host potential moon. Hence why Jupiter and Saturn having more followers.

图为从NASA的卡西尼号飞船上看到正在发生季节性变化的土卫六在土星之前的自然颜色照片The natural color view of Titan appearing before Saturn while undergoing seasonal changes, image from NASA's Cassini spacecraft


The natural color view of Titan appearing before Saturn while undergoing seasonal changes, image from NASA's Cassini spacecraft


For moons to host sub-moons, they need to be at a large enough distance to the planet, so the planet’s gravitational force is not overpowering the moons’ Hill spheres. But unfortunately, this is the problem faced by Uranus and Neptune’s moons, as they are all orbiting too tightly for their mother planet to have their own space.


Just like us humans, enough space needs to be given to each other, so we do not destroy each other, but at the same time also stay connected to still be together as a family. Balance is the key!

图为2001年NASA的伽利略号拍摄了木卫四的照片,是1995年开始绕木星运行的伽利略号获得的唯一一张完整的木卫四彩色图像。在木星最大的四颗月球中,木卫四的轨道是离这颗巨行星最远。科学家们认为,图中较亮的区域主要是冰,较暗的区域是被严重侵蚀的缺乏冰的物质。NASA's Galileo captured this image of Callisto in 2001, and is the only complete global color image of Callisto obtained by the spacecraft, which began orbiting Jupiter in 1995. Of Jupiter's four largest moons, Callisto orbits the farthest from the giant planet. Scientists believe the brighter areas in the image are mainly ice, while the darker areas are heavily eroded ice-poor material.


NASA's Galileo captured this image of Callisto in 2001, and is the only complete global color image of Callisto obtained by the spacecraft, which began orbiting Jupiter in 1995. Of Jupiter's four largest moons, Callisto orbits the farthest from the giant planet. Scientists believe the brighter areas in the image are mainly ice, while the darker areas are heavily eroded ice-poor material.


The Rare’s Safe Zones

了解了亚卫星的基本存在条件,美国和法国的两位天体物理学家Juna A. KollmeierSean N. Raymond亚卫星的潮汐动力学稳定性进行了研究。换句话说,亚卫星的安全地带

Knowing the basic existence conditions of the sub-moons, two astrophysicists from USA and France: Juna A. Kollmeier and Sean N. Raymond, investigated the tidal-dynamical stability of sub-moons. In another words, the safe zones for sub-moons.


First plotting the different moon-planet distances and size of the moons for multiple planets, the physicists then found the region suitable for moons to have sub-moons of different sizes.


Those regions were calculated with fixed mass of theoretical sub-moons and various key properties of the host moon. One of those being the moon’s tidal quality factor – Qmoon, which is a number for how a specific body with certain density reacts to tidal forces; general rocky bodies have Qmoon= 100, while stars are around 106.


Of all moons studied within the Solar System, the team found that only Callisto (Jupiter), Titan and Iapetus (Saturn), and Earth’s own Moon are capable to host sub-moons. However, outside our local star’s jurisdiction, the team found that the recently discovered exoplanet Kepler-1625b also have a moon capable of hosting sub-moons.


The team’s numerical modeling suggests that smaller sub-moons can exist over a broader range of moon sizes and distance to their planet; and larger Qmoon means more ‘habitable zone’ of sub-moons.

图为不同卫星大小和它们与主宿星的距离的关系图,灰色区域代表了月球可以稳定容纳半径为10km的亚月球的区域,段线和点线分别代表了20km和5km半径的亚月球。只要在线的右上角,月球就有机会拥有亚月球。The relation between the radius of moon around different planets and its distance from that planet. The gray region shows where the moon could stably host a submoon with radius 10 km, while dashed line and dotted line shows 20km and 5km radius sub-moons respectively. Moons have the potential of hosting a sub-moon if its on the upper right hand side of the line


The relation between the radius of moon around different planets and its distance from that planet. The gray region shows where the moon could stably host a submoon with radius 10 km, while dashed line and dotted line shows 20km and 5km radius sub-moons respectively. Moons have the potential of hosting a sub-moon if its on the upper right hand side of the line


Everything is Possible

有人可能会问,如果亚月球在理论上是可以存在的,那亚月球是否也可能有它们的月亮 – 亚次月亮

One might wonder, if sub-moons are theoretically possible, can sub-moons also have their moons – subsubmoons?


Using previous studies, sub-moons generally have to be roughly 10 thousand times smaller than their host. Therefore, with largest possible sub-moons in the Solar System having only ~10km in radius, their largest subsubmoons would be sub-km-sized. Too small!


One other question is: if some moons are capable of hosting sub-moons, why aren’t they?


There are several possible explanations. First of all, the study did by two physics only considered the possibilities of stable sub-moons, factors that could cause instabilities of the sub-moon’s orbit may not be considered. For example, the orbits around the Earth’s Moon are subject to perturbations caused by the Sun and Earth. 


There is also the possibility of sub-moons previously existing and for various reasons have been removed. One theory of Saturn’s Iapetus having a significant ridge along its equator is that it came from a collision of itself and something else, which formed a sub-moon and some debris. Later the debris fell back to from the ridge while the sub-moons got pushed away into space.






Though we haven’t seen any sub-moons yet,

 does not mean they are impossible. 

With sub-moons most likely to appear 

next to large moons, 

we will continue our search, 

hoping to see them in the near future!

图为木星及其两个最大的卫星 -- 木卫一和木卫二的彩色增强图,这是NASA的朱诺号飞船在第八次飞过这颗气态巨行星时拍摄的。The color-enhanced image of Jupiter and two of its largest moons -- Io and Europa, which was captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft as it performed its eighth flyby of the gas giant planet.

图为木星及其两个最大的卫星 -- 木卫一和木卫二的彩色增强图,这是NASA的朱诺号飞船在第八次飞过这颗气态巨行星时拍摄的。

The color-enhanced image of Jupiter and two of its largest moons -- Io and Europa, which was captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft as it performed its eighth flyby of the gas giant planet.

图片来自 NASA官网以及以下论文

文中部分英文信息参考来自美国和法国的Juna A. Kollmeier和 Sean N. Raymond的 “Can Moons Have Moons?" 论文


Images from official website of NASA and the below article

Parts are sited from “Can Moons Have Moons?" by Juna A. Kollmeier and Sean N. Raymond from USA and France

The rest of the Chinese and English content are original


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