太空旅途中的解闷音乐电台- 遥远巨人的脚步声 The Radio During Space Travel
With scientists sending all sorts of things to our neighbouring planets recently, numerous organisations have also been considering missions in the coming decade to those ice giants in our Solar family - Uranus and Neptune.
但,想象一下,你是一个科学家,刚刚向太空发射了一个任务是到达那些最遥远的行星的探测器。在所有成功发射的兴奋之后,在探测器到达那里的10年里,你能做些什么呢? 不会是干等吧
However, image you are a scientist who just sent a probe into space with the mission of arriving at those furthest planets. After all that excitement of a successful launch, what do you do for the next decade before the probe gets there? Just wait there?
在收音机里听太空音乐 - 引力波!
Well, here is an idea: listen to music of space on the radio! The gravitational waves!
Whether this might be a potential entertainment method, let’s find out!
An artist concept of the solar system
Creation of the Giant Radio
Gravitational waves are the tiny ripples in space caused by some of the most violent and energetic processes in the Universe, for example, the motion black holes.
As a gravitational wave pass by, there would extremely small fluctuations of the distance between two free bodies. Therefore, idea of using faraway probes to detect this tiny fluctuation has begun since 1977, when the Voyager spacecrafts by NASA were launched, targeted at Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
太空中的所有探测器都会与地球保持着不间断的联系。对于NASA的探测仪来说,接听这些长途电话的便是他们的深空网络(Deep Space Network - DSN)。那是一系列遍布世界各地的巨型无线电天线,不断观察着太空任何的新变化。
All probes in space are in constant contact with the Earth, for NASA, it would be the Deep Space Network (DSN) that’s taking the long-distance calls. That is a group of giant radio antennas around the world, constantly looking up into space any new updates.
由于深空网络与那些外太空探测器不断联系的距离常年超过10个天文单位(15亿公里),它们的系统可以被看作是一个地面干涉仪的巨大单臂,就像LIGO和Virgo 天文台一样,可以探测引力波。
With the DSN and outer space probes constantly contacting over 10AU (1.5 billion km), their system can be considered as the giant single arm of a ground-based interferometer, like LIGO and Virgo, detecting for gravitational waves.
An image from a numerical relativity simulation for GW190521 showing the gravitational waves just after a black hole merger, with the trajectories of the initial black holes and the horizon of the final black hole just visible in the center
呲啦 呲啦
Bzzz Bzzz
Interferometer are used by measuring the relative displacement between two path lengths, tracking the distance changes of the single probe can be done by applying the doppler effects.
Between the DSN and the probe, they talk with a single radio frequency that shifts slightly to higher or lower values when the probe experiences a bump while moving towards or away from Earth.
A passing gravitational wave would jitter both the probe and Earth at different times, resulting corresponding pulses on the signals received by the DSN via doppler shift. There would also be a third pulse on the signal originated from the Earth jitter and reflected back from the probe.
While the shake on the Earth is first detected, the change in signal from the probe arrives at a range of times, depending on the angle of the gravitational wave propagation and the Earth view on the probe. The reflection comes last but is back exactly at twice the light travel-time between the Earth and probe.
The three pulses expected, their amplitudes and relative locations depending on the gravitational wave’s arrival direction, the two-way light time, and the wave’s strain amplitude and polarization state. The order of arrival is the Earth, the spacecraft and he signal due to the Earth buffeting, reflected back respectively
Turning for the Right Channel
Although the beasts that generate these gravitational waves are humongous and very destructive, by the time the waves arrive at Earth, they are already thousands of billions weaker than first started.
In particular, by the time gravitational waves from LIGO's first detection reached us, the amount of space-time wobbling they generated was 1000 times smaller than the nucleus of an atom! (LIGO is a mission launched in 2002 dedicated for gravitational wave research.)
Apart from the signal being tiny and therefore extremely difficult to see the three pulses in practice. The radio frequencies used to communicate is not always stable. Hence a series of procedures have to be taken to filter out all the background noise and pick out only gravitational wave doppler shifts.
To avoid offsets as much as possible, the spacecraft’s trajectory relative to the Earth must be carefully accounted for and subtracted from the signal. Even then, antennas on Earth and the space probes can have mechanical vibrations that cause doppler shifts.
Often with experiments, increasing the number of tests can reduce the effect of random errors on the overall result. So here we can increase the time of observation so more gravitational waves can be detected and have better data. But here comes another problem: Earth is orbiting the Sun.
Tracking the doppler shifts on the signal with enough sensitivity is not always possible when the Sun joins the game. Due to plasma scintillation noise from solar winds and irregularities in Earth’s ionosphere, the ideal position would be the Earth-Sun-Probe angle greater than 150 degrees, so the Sun between the Earth and probe.
This leaves only a window of 40 days per year to observe, 10 chances for a decade-long journey. Imagen only being able to listen to music for 1 hour in total for a 10-hour drive…
The sensitivity (y-axis) to low-frequency (x-axis) gravitational waves of a space probe of a Cassini-like mission, compared to other gravitational wave detectors like LISA and aLIGO. (Cassini mission involving NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency to send a space probe to study the planet Saturn and its system, launched in 1997.)
Rock or Classical
Despite the little amounts of opportunities to enjoy the music, let us at least find out what sort of the music be possible for this journey.
由于探测器距离地球至少有几个天文单位(AU, 1AU ~ 0.15亿公里),所以这种探测引力波的方法只适用于波长较长的引力波,或频率在毫赫兹范围内的低频引力波。这些隆隆声通常来自于超大质量黑洞双星(SMBH)或极端质量比例旋(EMRI)的合并,就是恒星质量的黑洞坍缩成超大质量的黑洞。
Since the probes are at least a few astronomical units (AU, 1AU ~ 0.15 billion km) away, our method of detecting gravitational wave is only suitable for those with long wavelengths, or low frequencies in the millihertz range. These rumbles are generally coming from mergers of Supermassive Black Hole binaries (SMBH) or Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals (EMRIs), where a stellar mass black hole collapses into a supermassive black hole.
相比之下,专为引力波探测而设计的 LIGO 和 Virgo 正在寻找的频率就高的多了,从数十赫兹到数千赫兹的引力波都在它们接收范围内。这些高能量的引力波通常来自于恒星质量的黑洞和中子星的双星合并。
In comparison, LIGO and Virgo, which are observatories specially designed for gravitational waves, are in search for the waves with frequency from tens to thousands for hertz. These higher energy waves are generally from binary mergers of stellar mass black holes and neutron stars.
An simulation of GW190814 observed by Virgo - a process of a merger of a 23-solar-mass black-hole and an enigmatic lighter object
随着引力波探测成为一个越来越重要的研究领域,ESA 和 NASA 现在正共同致力于一个新的太空引力波探测器任务 - LISA。计划于2034年发射的它,会专注于搜索低频引力波,并尽可能克服各种噪音,以实现更好的无线电通信。
With gravitational wave detection becoming more and more of an important research field, ESA and NASA are now also working on the mission of LISA - a space-based gravitational wave detector. Planning to be launched in 2034, it will be dedicated for the searched of low frequency gravitational waves and overcoming various kinds of noise as much as possible for the better radio communications.
The European Space Agency's LISA observatory, which is a multi-spacecraft mission to study gravitational waves expected to launch in 2034. It will be consisting three spacecraft in a triangular formation spanning millions of km, linked together by lasers to detect passing gravitational waves.
Since 1977, there has huge breakthroughs in physics and technology, so now could be a good time to continue our expeditions to those ice giants in the next decade.
Though it might a long journey,
there would still be moments to enjoy
the unique gravitational music for free.
Why not try?
The image of planet Neptune, obtained during the testing of the Narrow-Field adaptive optics mode of the MUSE/GALACSI instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope.
图片和视频来自 NASA, LIGO, Virgo 官网以及以下论文
文中部分英文信息参考来自Armstrong, J.W.的 ‘Low-Frequency Gravitational Wave Searches Using Spacecraft Doppler Tracking.‘ 论文 和 苏黎世大学的D Soyuer, L Zwick, D J. D’Orazio, P Saha 的 ‘Searching for gravitational waves via Doppler tracking by future missions to Uranus and Neptune’ 论文
Images from official website of NASA, LIGO, Virgo and the below articles
Parts are sited from ‘Low-Frequency Gravitational Wave Searches Using Spacecraft Doppler Tracking.‘ from Armstrong, J.W. and ‘Searching for gravitational waves via Doppler tracking by future missions to Uranus and Neptune’ from D Soyuer, L Zwick, D J. D’Orazio, P Saha from University of Zurich
The rest of the Chinese and English content are original